Psalm 119 probably my favorite psalm and I know, I probably say that about several psalms 😄.Warren Wiersbe has this to say about this psalm:
“The emphasis in this, the longest psalm, is on the vital ministry of the Word of God in the inner spiritual life of God’s children. It describes how the Word enables us to grow in holiness and handle the persecutions and pressures that always accompany an obedient walk of faith.”
(from The Wiersbe Study Bible, page 869)
There are just so many truths to live by contained in this psalm:
- His Word is to be our counselor (verse 24)
- We are to observe and obey His statutes. Outlook determines outcome. What we look at determines what we are becoming. (verses 33-34)
- Life is a pilgrimage, a journey we make in obedience. (verse 54)
- Scripture will light our way. (verse 105)
- We need to wait upon His Word. (verses 81 and 114)
I think my struggle is in waiting for God to speak. Sometimes I forget, or am impatient, to just sit in silence, not thinking, not speaking, not reading – just to sit and wait for Him to speak to me in the midst of the quiet.
It brought this song to mind, which I had to stop and listen to a few times this morning.
“God’s Word is trustworthy:
No matter what people do
No matter what people say
Regardless of how you feel
No matter how long you live.”(Warren Wiersbe)
May we learn to wait for God to speak,
for His words alone are trustworthy
and will never fail us.
Photo by Jessica Mangano on Unsplash
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Oh my but I struggle with being patient with God. I try and wait, but more often than I should, I “take the bull by the horns” and try to move forward, hoping I’m doing so in God’s will. There’s been times when He spoke, I didn’t hear it, and lucked into doing what He willed me to do. Other times, when I think I know (or think I know best), everything I try to complete that task fails. Clearly, in those times, I am outside of His will. Waiting is good, listening for Him is even better!
J.D., I can so relate with times when I “lucked into doing what He willed me to do.” Those times made me so appreciate the grace and mercy of God so deeply. ” Waiting is good, listening for Him is even better!” Yes! May we be better at listening!
Too often, I struggle with that four-letter word, wait.
Me too, Diana. And as J.D. shared, I want to become a better listener as well.
Joanne, I understand this struggle. We are so blessed to have God’s Word to help in these times. To remind of His faithfulness. My particular lesson lately is when the Holy Spirit nudges and prompts me to obey. Don’t put on the back burner or pretend I didn’t hear it or I’ll get to it later. Write it down, pray on it and see what action God wants me to obey.
Deborah, you have brought out another lesson to be learned – when we wait and receive a prompt to action, we need to obey. How often I have regretted when I have delayed.
Wow, you nailed the problem! I am finished with monologue prayers!
Michelle, you described it perfectly – “monologue prayers.” May we remember that prayer is to be a dialogue.
💘 Happy Valentine’s Day, Joanne!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you as well, Linda! ❤️