A Walk Through the Psalms by The Daily Grace Co. is bringing much encouragement as we take time to delve deeper into the familiar words.

Psalm 6

“For the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord has heard my supplication, The Lord receives my prayer.” (verse 6, NASB)

My commentary informs me this is the first of seven “penitential psalms”. These are psalms which contain confession of sin, being disciplined by God, and experiencing suffering.

We do not know what sin David was confessing in this psalm but we do know he was missing his relationship with God. He felt God was quiet and wondered if He had forgotten him.

But then in verse 6 shared above, we read a shift. He knows God has heard his cries.

The study asks: What does this psalm teach you about the character and nature of God?

I was  reminded of the love of God for us. He will remain quiet and unresponsive to our prayers until we confess our sin. But then, He is quick to respond, not prolonging a minute more.

His silence is meant to draw us back into relationship with Him, for He is serious about our sin.


Psalm 8

“O Lord, our Lord, How majestic is Your name in all the earth, Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens! From the mouth of infants and nursing babes You have established strength.” (verse 1-2, NASB)

From the beginning of this psalm, we see the splendor, strength, sovereignty, and supremacy of God. Yet the psalmist reminds us:

“What is man that You take thought of him, And the son of man that You care for him?” (verse 4, NASB)

“And yet from the start, we see the sweet truth that this sovereign God of Creation is our God. He is high above us, and yet He is personal.”

(from Delight by The Daily Grace Co.)

He is personal, written in the singular, meaning He relates to us individually and uniquely.

Warren Wiersbe reminds us of why God pays attention to us:

“Because He has made them in His own image, and they are special.”

Each one of us is special. Or said another way … there is not one of us who is not special.

The study asks us to: Observe the work of the Lord’s fingers in both nature and in yourself. How does the details and intricacies of what you identify teach you about the character of God?

Our God both creates and cares for all of His creation – including you and me!


Psalm 10

O Lord, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will strengthen their heart, You will incline Your ear.” (verse 17, NASB)

This psalm addresses both troubles and griefs. My commentary shed light on this: Trouble is outward circumstances and griefs are inward feelings. As people, we experience both during our lifetimes.

But the thing is God allows both, and God is present in all of our painful experiences. We pray about both our troubles and our grief assured He hears us as we pray.

“We come in prayer not to plead our case, but to plead His character. We cry out to Him, Lord, You are faithful, be faithful to me. Lord, You are the comforter, comfort me. He has been faithful in the past, and we can be sure that He will be faithful again.”

(from Delight by The Daily Grace Co.)

This is the very reason why it is necessary, critical, for us to know the character of God and remind ourselves of His character.

The study asks: Reread verse 17. In what ways does this verse give you hope and comfort in the character of God?

May we remember that God will not forsake His own. Even when He seems hidden from us, He is ever present and ever faithful!

“God is working out His eternal purpose, not only in spite of human and satanic opposition, but by means of them.” (A.W. Pink)


His silence is with purpose,
as He works uniquely with each of us,
for He is always faithful and ever present.


Image 1: by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Photo 2: by Vika Strawberrika on Unsplash
Photo 3: by Igor Kyryliuk on Unsplash

Today I may be joining … Tell His Story and InstaEncouragements .