We must remain steadfast in reminding ourselves to apply the Gospel to our lives every day …
The week began with reading Psalm 34; Matthew 6:25-34; Matthew 11:28-30; and Galatians 4:6-7. The heading of this reading: “The Gospel for the Overwhelmed Heart.”
We all have days like this, where we feel overwhelmed. The study describes it as feeling “anxious and stripped of my joy.”
Anyone else ever feel that way?
It’s on those days, we need to remind ourselves of some truths, and today’s reading brings such powerful reminders:
“The things of this world are transient.” (page 39)
“It is when we come to the end of ourselves that Christ’s power is made perfect in us.” (page 40)
“Even at our strongest we are never enough, and even at our weakest Christ is more than enough.” (page 40)
“Our good God and Father is sovereign over all.” (page 40)
These are the statements we need to tell ourselves when overwhelmed.
The study asks: What areas of your life do you tend to worry or become overwhelmed about? How does the Gospel confront those feelings?
We need to remind ourselves that even on our strongest days we are not strong enough. But we must also remind ourselves that even on our weakest days, Christ is more than enough.
Let me start by saying … I am not an expert on marriage; and with that said, our mid-week reading were Matthew 19:5-6; Ephesians 5:22-23; 1 Peter 3:1-9; and Revelation 19:6-9.
Let me share a few quotes from the study:
“As the body of Christ, we are called to put the gospel on display in our lives.” (page 47)
Regarding the love of a husband: “This kind of love is not self-seeking but self-sacrificial.” (page 47)
Regarding the submission of wives: “This kind of submission imitates the humility of Christ, willingly submitting to God’s plan and will for our good and protection.” (page 47)
Regarding human marriage and our marriage to Christ: “… the two are not equal.” (page 48)
Regarding singleness: “… you are not incomplete in your singleness …” (page 48)
Regarding God’s purpose in marriage: “… it is not to make us happy but to make us holy.” (page 48)
In writing these quotes down, one question came to mind: What do the first and last quotes have in common?
Answer: Regardless of our marital status, God is working out the same thing in each of our lives. He is working towards making our lives a display of the gospel and He is working towards making us holy.
Let’s discuss this question: How can you find hope in marriage whether you are married or single? What has your marital status taught you?
While I am happily married (most days), the one thing marriage has taught me is how much I need Jesus. Marriage has created a greater dependence on Christ to be able to live out the ups and downs, and the daily challenges in such a way for Christ to be experienced in our marriage.
Waiting. I am glad the study said it for us, “Waiting is hard.” I am sure we all are nodding in agreement. And it is true no matter what we are waiting for or to occur, so let’s read Psalm 62:5-8; Isaiah 54:1-8; and Hebrews 11.
Waiting means uncertainty – and uncovers this in us:
“Our anxiety over the unknown reveals an issue in our hearts; We do not believe God.”
(page 55)
So let’s look at a few thoughts from the study:
“Nothing is uncertain to Him [God]. We can rest in the unknown because it is not unknown to God.” (page 55)
This brought to mind the oft quoted Corrie ten Boom: “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”
“God’s people also experienced something else in their long season of waiting – God’s faithfulness.” (page 55)
When we remind ourselves that God is always at work, we remember He is the God of time and of timing.
Psalm 62 repeats a few phrases we need to remember to repeat to ourselves:
- “My soul waits in silence for God only.” (verses 1 & 5, NASB)
- “He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold.” (verses 2 & 6, NASB)
May we wait, trust, and pour out our hearts to Him as we remember “from Him is my salvation” (verse 1).
What are you currently waiting for? What does your response to waiting reveal about what you believe to be true of God?
May we also remember: God will never leave us nor forsake us and that means even in the waiting He is with us!
Christ is always enough,
always working in us to make us holy,
always with us even as we wait.
Photo 1: Image by Aritha from Pixabay
Photo 2: Image by Essexweb1 from Pixabay
Photo 3: Image by Pexels from Pixabay
Today I may be joining … Tell His Story
God’s faithfulness seems to be the theme of our song. No matter what the situation or grief. Therein lies peace and hope and mercy. What a Savior.
I love Corrie’s quote Joanne;
“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.†Amen!
This is the second post I have read today on a season of waiting…hmmm…
Bless you sweet friend, Jennifer
Having been married previously, I can’t echo loud enough your sentiments of , “…every marriage needs Jesus.” Our reliance upon Him and our sincere efforts to take on His character in our lives both help to build a better union here on earth. Well said ma’am. What am I waiting for? In my marriage, I think for God to further complete His work in me so that I’m a better husband. In my life, His return. I so long to go home.