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It was wonderful to resume the study of Romans: The Gospel-Centered Life Vol. 2 – Romans 8-16, by The Daily Grace Co.

Our study picked up with reading Romans 1-16. Yes, all sixteen chapters.

I was surprised to find myself struck by different verses, especially where we had so recently done the first half of Romans. Goes to show how God brings a fresh word for every day!

I loved the reminder of the importance of Romans:

  • It is the words of God.
  • It is the gospel.
  • It will transform us.

Martin Luther is quoted as saying the “more Romans is handled the more delightful it becomes and the better it tastes.”

I am praying this is what will happen in each of our lives as we continue on and finish our study of Romans.

Romans 1:16-17 are the key verses of the book of Romans. Paraphrase them, or share your favorite translation of the verses.

I am still reading the NASB as my go to version this year:

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “But the righteous man shall live by faith.”

May we find ourselves challenged to live by faith, increasing faith, to trust God in every way and every situation.


Mid week we focused on Romans 8:18-22. Here Paul seeks to put our suffering in this life into perspective as he helps us focus on what is ahead.

When God finished creation, He stated “It was good.” But creation has been groaning ever since as the result of man’s sin.

I love how the NLT words it:

“For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are.” (verse 19)

“And if creation is straining its neck and fixing its gaze for the return of Christ, how much more should we as His people long for His return.”

(From Romans: The Gospel Centered Life, page 10)

The study asks: How can we wait with eager longing? How should we balance that waiting with eager longing and serving God here on earth?

The questions are thought provoking … What time of day will He return? Will it be when we are at our busiest during a day? Or will we be wakened in the middle of the night?

No matter when it occurs, we will be rejoicing along with creation for the suffering and waiting will be over. In the meantime, may we keep our hearts and minds in tune with Him. May we continue to serve Him in whatever ways He leads, sharing with those around us, and encouraging one another to stay faithful!


Our reading Friday was Romans 8:26-27 and the topic is – Prayer.

If I were to be transparent with you all, I find it very hard to pray aloud, or with people, or even write out my prayers for others to read at times. I tend to be critical of my own prayers, of my wording.

So these verses bring me such peace and comfort, and relief that I do not need to get it “right.” I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit takes my words and tears and intercedes for me.

The Holy Spirit takes our prayers and presents them in perfection to God.

“And as we pray, the Spirit transforms the prayers we pray to align with God’s sovereign plan and what will truly be best for us.”

(from Romans; The Gospel-Centered Life, Vol 2, page 19)

The study asks: Why should the message of theses verses encourage us to pray?

As I sat thinking about this, it came down to one thought – With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can’t get it wrong.

This should bring us such assurance and confidence in praying.


As we live by faith,
we strain our necks and fix our gaze on Jesus,
praying with assurance and confidence, for He is our Helper.


Photo 1: by Luc van Loon on Unsplash
Photo 2: by Mael BALLAND on Unsplash
Photo 3: by Yuliia Tretynychenko on Unsplash

Today I may be joining … Tell His Story and InstaEncouragements .