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In Genesis 50:19-20, we find Joseph reassuring his brothers of his forgiveness, telling them not to fear the days ahead.

So much occurred in his life, all circumstances out of his control. From being thrown in a pit by his jealous brothers, to being accused by a woman of rape, to serving time in prison, to being elevated to a position of authority. All actions done intentionally to bring him harm, done by various people involved in his life, all beginning with his brothers.

We often quote the text where Joseph points out that God had brought him to this position to save the lives of many. There we are reminded while the brothers meant him harm, God used it for good.

Joseph always kept in mind that there was still One working with intentions, orchestrating his life with intent.

With this One in mind, Joseph was able to respond to his brothers with forgiveness and confidence. It was verse 21 which grabbed my attention:

“So therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.” So he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.” (Genesis 50:21, NASB)

Joseph recognizes God’s hand in the events of his life. With this perspective, he is able to comfort his brothers and speak kindly to them.

Perspective can be defined as a mental view or prospect that provides a broader outlook. A bigger picture so to speak.

Joseph recognized God was the One who had been orchestrating the events of his life, for years. He knew all which had occurred, while his life seemed completely out of control, had truly been in the control of a God who controls everything.

As Joseph kept in mind the One who was in complete control of his life, he gained God’s perspective and was able to get a peek at the broader picture.


Join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE where we will explore Joseph’s change of perspective and the impact it had on his family.


Photo by Joshua Sazon on Unsplash
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