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“I shall run the way of Your commandments, For You will enlarge my heart.”
(Psalm 119:32, NASB)

“An enlarged heart, in the physical sense, is dangerous. But spiritually speaking, an enlarged heart can be a blessing … If you have an enlarged heart spiritually, you are ready to walk and run with the Lord and accomplish His purposes …

What does it mean to have an enlarged heart? First, an enlarged heart is open to God’s truth. It’s a heart that’s honest and says, “Lord, I want Your truth even if it hurts.”

Second, an enlarged heart is obedient to God’s will … It’s a humble heart that says, “O God, what You have said, I will do” …

Third, an enlarged heart is occupied with God’s glory. It’s a happy heart … What a wonderful thing to grow in grace and the knowledge of truth …

(from Prayer, Praise & Promises by Warren W. Wiersbe, page 305)


Image by Rebekka D from Pixabay
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