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The book of Romans is powerful and the words this week have been humbling to think upon …

On Monday we read Romans 1:16-17. The study points out these two verses as the theme of the entire book of Romans. They are definitely worth our taking the time to look at them closely.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “But the righteous man shall live by faith.” (NASB)

Paul states he is not ashamed of the gospel. Reading of his boldness in all of his writing, I cannot imagine Paul was ever ashamed of the gospel.

“The message of the gospel brings hope to the weary and healing to the broken.”

(from Romans: The Gospel of Grace, page 17)

I think it may be safe to say we all have been both weary and broken at some point in life. Maybe even both at the same time.

As we come through those times, we become more assured and confident in the power of the gospel and God’s accomplishing power. Nothing thwarts His plans for our lives.

The study asks this question: How does the truth that the gospel is the power of God for salvation bring you hope?

I hope one truth resounds in your hearts and minds: “The gospel is everything and it changes everything.”


Mid week we focused on Romans 1:18-23. The topic? The wrath of God.

When we think of wrath, we tend to think of it in terms of human anger – abusive and cruel. But God’s wrath is “controlled opposition to sin and evil” (from the study).

This brings me comfort as it demonstrates God’s protection over His people.

“The wrath of God is satisfied at the cross, and the love of God is displayed at the cross. The wrath of God and the love of God are not opposed to each other; instead they come together in the work of Christ to pay for our salvation.”

(from Romans: The Gospel of Grace, page 34)

Paul reminds us in verse 20, people are without excuse. God makes Himself known to man throughout time, through all He has created.

In verses 21-23, we are reminded we have been created to worship. When our hearts do not respond to God in worship, we will find a substitute, something else, to worship.

The study asks: Why do we need to understand the wrath of God to understand the gospel?

We need to understand the wrath of God in order to understand the full depth of the love of God. When we know what we have been spared because of the Cross, we will better understand how greatly we are loved.


The week closed with Romans 2:1-4. No matter how many times I have read verse 4 in the past, it gets me every time:

“Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and restraint and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?” (NASB)

The very first sentence of the study says it succinctly: “We see sin in everyone but ourselves.”


Part of the problem in not seeing the seriousness of our own sinful ways is we use those around us as the standard.

“But when we measure ourselves against God, we realize that we fall woefully short. This is why we need the gospel.”

(from Romans: The Gospel of Grace, page 42)

God is looking for hearts and lives changed by His grace.

I have always appreciated and loved verse 4. God’s kindness towards us is not for the purpose of leaving us in our sin. It is not because He is ignoring our stubbornness. It is not because He does not care.

Quite the contrary! His kindness leads us to repent, to humble ourselves in repentance.

“For the Christian, God’s kindness is a call to holiness.”

(from Romans: The Gospel of Grace, page 43)

The amazing and marvelous aspect is that He not only calls us to holiness, He works it out in us.

When we think of the Pharisees and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14), in what ways can we often be like the Pharisees in this story?

As we reflect on that story, may we remember not only what we have been saved from, but our sinful condition which continues to be changed each and every day because of the gospel.


The Gospel = Hope.
The Gospel = God’s love towards mankind.
The Gospel = God’s kindness and call to holiness.


Photo 1: by Carson Foreman on Unsplash
Photo 2: by Jussara Romão on Unsplash

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