We have such a desire to know the reason for the occurrences in life. We ask questions and we want answers. We long to know why life unfolds the way it does and the logic behind our logic.
Because … the word which brings some sort of explanation. It’s the reason, the rationale, the excuse, or explanation for the questions we ask.
But there are days when circumstances happen, life unravels, and there is no simple “becauseâ€. We don’t know the reason or the cause. Nothing makes much sense. Or adds up. Life just happens.
So we keep praying. Keep hoping. Keep reading Scriptures in the hopes of finding the “becauseâ€. The reason for it all.
One verse seems to help life fall into place. The holy because …
Come join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE as we look at this word – because – and the role it plays in our lives.
Great lesson here Ms Joanne. Thank you ma’am.