Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Spontaneous.
Upon reading the word prompt, I thought seeing as I am not a spontaneous person, I will not be able to write a post.
Spontaneous, as defined in dictionary.com is “given to acting upon sudden impulses; natural and unconstrained; unplanned.”
Then I turned to read the Scriptures to share in a morning Bible Study group …
“He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.†Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.” (Revelation 22:20-21, NASB)
“The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.”
His grace us upon us every day, in every situation, with all peoples.
The mere thought of His grace this morning is a reminder of the awesome God we have. God who alone is worthy of our praise. Our God who deserves spontaneous praise and adoration.
May we give God our natural, unconstrained, and unplanned worship,
for He is worthy.
Be spontaneous today.
“Our God is an awesome God,
who reigns from heaven above,
with wisdom, power, and might,
Our God is an awesome God.”
Photo by Guillermo Latorre on Unsplash
Today I may be joining …
I too found “spontaneous” to be an interesting word to ponder. We spend much of our thoughts carefully measuring our words and actions to be sure they honor God and edify others. Yet our awesome God does inspire spontaneous praise!
To plan ahead is not my bag,
I face each thing as it may come,
and some would say I’m playing tag
with being labeled mighty dumb,
but hey, that is not really new;
dear Barb, bless her cotton socks
has at times swore that it’s true,
that I’m dumber than a box of rocks.
I mean, sure, I will sure admit
that lacking hammer, used my head,
but when it all came down to it
the nail went in, I wasn’t dead,
and although the wounds were real,
I figured that they’d one day heal.
I am so looking forward to that incredible, spontaneous moment! I pray I will be alive that glorious day!
I, too, am not a very spontaneous person — I’m a planner. But, I do find there are times when out in nature, or listening to praise music, or reading the Word, I am drawn to spontaneous worship, praise, and thanksgiving (as evidenced often by raised hands). I am looking forward to that blink of an eye, spontaneous moment, when we are ushered into Christ’s presence forever.
Bev xx
Spontaneous praise is the best spontaneous action we can do! Loved this take on the word!
Visiting from FMF#19
Spontaneous praise is such a spirit-uplifting thing to do. Thank you for reminding us how worthy he is, with “His grace upon us every day, in every situation, with all peoples”–especially in these troubling times.
I love this and went a similar way with “spontaneous gratitude.” Have a wonderful week!