Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Twenty.
When I was twenty, I could not have imagined how life would go for the rest of my days.
The twists and turns, the ups and downs, the highs and lows, the joys and tears. The gains and losses, the births and deaths. None were in view and yet Scripture tells me:
“And in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them.” (Psalm 139:16, NASB)
Up to this point in time, life has brought many changes. But one thing remained consistent – God was with me in all of these days.
I listened to the words coming to mind, and it is an old song. Who knew I even had the words stored in my memory, and yet, there they are weaving their way into my mind. I find myself also humming.
“Some day life’s journey will be o’erAnd I shall reach that distant shore,I’ll sing while ent’ring Heaven’s door“Jesus led me all the way.”Jesus led me all the way,Led me step by step each day;I will tell the saints and angelsAs I lay my burden down“Jesus led me all the way.ÂIf God should let me there reviewThe winding paths of earth I knew,It would be proven clear and trueJesus led me all the way.Jesus led me all the way,Led me step by step each day;I will tell the saints and angelsAs I lay my burden down“Jesus led me all the way.ÂAnd hitherto my Lord has led,Today He guides each step I tread,And soon in Heav’n it will be saidJesus led me all the way.Jesus led me all the way,Led me step by step each day;I will tell the saints and angelsAs I lay my burden down“Jesus led me all the way.” (Jesus Led Me All The Way by John Peterson)
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash
Today I may be joining …
Lovely post!
Thanks for sharing these words.
Have a blessed and un-stressed weekend.
Cheers from my Hot Tea to your cup,
When I was a younger boy
(I am not yet a man!),
I figured that I would enjoy
everything I can
and did not bother wooden head
with thoughts of what’s to come,
but played the rowdy fool instead,
which may sound pretty dumb,
but I think that God intended
me for dancing jester
who never intellect pretended,
nor allowed to fester
that self-destructive damning sore
that he was meant for something more.
I hear you! Yes, life is different from what I imagined it to be, but God is the same! I just have a deeper understanding of His love.
What good to read. Do writing prompts help you with blogging? I think it’s fun and challenging. When I was twenty… God had just rescued me from the darkness and emptiness. What a beautiful thing to remember.
God is so good.
Isn’t it wonderful when God gives us moments to pause and look back upon His faithfulness? I love that He put a song in your heart today. I enjoyed your writing.
I’m so thankful He is with us all our days, Joanne. FMF #2
His faithfulness extends to the ends of time – He will never leave us or forsake us.
Just stopped by from FMF #15
So glad you included the song. I (vaguely) remember it…but reading the words, it is coming to my memory. What a wonderful gift – God’s leading us every step of the way!!
I smile when I think back to my 20-year-old self and how much I thought I knew. 🙂 Little did I know what things life had in store for me, both good and bad. I’m thankful too for God’s presence in every one of those things, both good and bad.
thank you for sharing a powerful testimony!
Visiting from FMF#22
Oh, I love that song. You brought it back to memory, now I’m humming. Sometimes I think what would I tell younger me.
FMF #28
Wonderful testimony!
Deirdre–FMF #21