I love the change of seasons as I look forward to the change in scenery, each bringing a beauty all their own. The trees, out back in our yard, bring an awareness and an awe all their own.
I never tire of the orange, red, and yellow hues of fall. Then the branches, devoid of any leaves, hold the splash of white when the snow falls, reflecting the brilliance of the sun. They change once more when little bursts of pale green and red buds peek through the tips, eventually giving way to full out green when the leaves fill in again. Every year I marvel at the varied shades of green.
Only our God, infinite in His creativity, could design seasons which would help us also manage the seasons of our lives:
- Fall. This season speaks of fresh beginnings, perhaps because it reminds me of when my children would begin a new school year. The smells of crisp leaves, the first fires, pumpkin candles, and apple pies bring a comfort all their own which is both familiar and unique. The season of harvest reminds us to be thankful for all that He has done in our lives.
- Winter. There is a reverence and peace which comes with the first snowfall. No matter how many snowfalls I have now experienced, each reminds me that I have been made whiter than snow.
- Spring. The season of growth. All that has been dormant, lying under the surface, begins to come to life and grow once anew. Spring brings a hope – of greater growth and production. It encourages us to get back out there in the arena of life and enjoy all that is before us.
- Summer …
It’s the season we are currently enjoying – the season of rest.
These are the months we long for throughout the year. We desire the break from our busy schedules and routines which dictate our days. It’s the season of rest. I have found myself asking the question, “What is rest?†More so, what does God want us to do while resting?
“Rest†can mean a physical settling down of something at a particular place. “To rest†sometimes indicates a complete envelopment and thus permeation (both definitions come from Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary). To rest should then mean a period of mental or spiritual calm. A relief or freedom from that which pressures us each day.
The messages are heard all around us. You know the ones I mean – they keep pushing us to achieve more and work harder. “Do it now.†“Work hard!†“You’ll never get ahead unless you do more!†“Don’t stop.â€
We need to close the lids of our laptops., lay our cell phones down. And take a rest.
God knew the earth needed the season of summer in order to rest. How much more do His people need this same season? Listen to what He says:
“Consequently, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. 10 For the one who has entered His rest has himself also rested from his works, as God did from His. 11 Therefore let’s make every effort to enter that rest.†(Hebrews 4:9-11, NASB)
God Himself worked hard yet He knew to take a rest. We need to do the same. But notice, we are exhorted to “make every effort to enter that restâ€.
It strikes me funny that we need to work at resting or we will not rest at all. As we rest and our minds are calm, we are better able to focus on Him, gaining renewed perspective. Our hearts are softened, malleable to His touch.
Remember the definition of “rest� As we rest, we become completely enveloped and thus permeated by His Spirit.
Enjoy these days of summer. Relax with family and friends. Laugh. Play games.
This special rest.
It is the most productive thing we can do.
Every day we choose between faith and doubt. Debbie Wilson reminds us: “Jesus found Thomas in his doubts. He won’t ever leave or forsake you either. Stop doubting and believe.” Be sure to read her post, “How Hope Found Doubting Thomas“, HERE.
Come, sit a spell. Bring your coffee, your posts, and your thoughts. If you link up, kindly visit those who have drawn up a seat around you.
Photo by Heather Mount on Unsplash
Today I am joining …
Did you write this post just for me!?
Thanks for affirming the rest to which we have been invited!
It’s amazing to think we have been invited to rest. May you have a restful weekend!
You are so right, my friend. I was immersed in the great book, Sacred Rest, a few months ago and was reminded by the physician who wrote it how much we need it and the various types of rest we need (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, sensory, creative). I am also nudged more often to realize I do a much better job living each day and being able to hear God’s voice if I heed the admonition to rest. It is ironic (as you said) that so many of us need to “work” at rest. We may not even realize how driven we are until we do!
I remember the book well and am wondering if it is time to reread it while on vacation soon. It’s true, we do hear God’s voice so much clearer when rested. Our minds absorb Scripture much better too, A little rest goes a long way!
I don’t know why we fight rest as much as we do. It can be quite pleasurable and so nurturing. And yet we’re often like children who fight taking their naps. I like your definition here, Joanne: “To rest should then mean a period of mental or spiritual calm. A relief or freedom from that which pressures us each day.” Who wouldn’t want this? I do! 🙂
The nap struggles tire everyone out – parent and child! May we take the rest we need in order for His peace and calm to fill us and keep us.
Great thoughts ma’am. For me, summer rest happens in the mid-afternoon hours when the sun gets so hot you can cook eggs on the rocks. That’s time to call it a day until night checks.
J.D., funny you mention mid-afternoon. Even in doing yard work, I try to get out in the early mornings and then late afternoon/early evening. I can only imagine in Texas. Stay rested and hydrated!
Beautiful reminder Joanne, that we need rest not only for our bodies, but our souls!
All of us, needs all of Him = perfect rest. I so appreciate you, friend!
Each season brings its own type of rest and refreshing – with all their own unique 5 sensory traits. I am glad we have all 4 seasons in TN – I would miss what each season brings – and how rest feels with each.
Such beautiful insight, Maryleigh. Every season has its own rest. God knows exactly what we need each and every season of life.
One of our former pastors used to say, “I’m about as spiritual as I am rested.” God made our physical bodies to need rest, and the physical, mental and spiritual parts of us are interconnected. Like Lisa said, I don’t know why we fight rest so much when we need it, operate better with it, and even enjoy it.
Your former pastor shared a wise insight!
I’m so thankful each season brings its wonderful delights for our senses to enjoy, Joanne! And I’m thankful for seasons of rest! We so desperately need to learn how to ‘rest in Him’ during each season.
I am so grateful He is a patient teacher, Lisa.
Joanne my mouth fell open when I read the above as God has a theme going!
My post for tomorrow is about seasons too!
I love it when God does that! We’re in winter here in Australia, a very wet & cold winter.
Jennifer, I love that our seasons are opposite. So much I can learn in anticipation of winter’s arrival here 🙂
Hi Joanne, I definitely feel we as a family are heading into a new season, and in this weird world we live in currently, it feels really scary. But, it is God who creates the seasons, in nature and in us. Great encouragement, thank you
God bless
I think so many of us feel the same way as we see world events unfolding each day. May we keep our eyes on the Lord, who never changes and is ever faithful to His people. Even in the midst of feeling scared or unsettled, He will provide the rest we need. Will be praying for you and your family today.
Joanne, you are so right. Sometimes we have to make ourselves rest, almost “penciling” in rest. I love to watch the season’s change, I Intentionally take in all the details. I am so in awe of God’s creations. I wrote about rest a while back too.
Thank you for linking up with Sweet Tea & Friends this month.
I am comforted when I rest in Him. 🙂
It is amazing all that rest brings to our souls!
Thank you, Joanne. I’ve written about summer rest and soul care before because it seems like summer brings more opportunities to rest from running at breakneck speed. I loved this going off the definition of rest, “As we rest, we become completely enveloped and thus permeated by His Spirit.”
Joanne, I’ve been a little frustrated lately because I haven’t had as much time to do things (like write) that I normally do during the other three seasons, but your words are challenging me to think about this differently. It might be time for a short blogging break …