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Powerful moments can be waiting for us in the least expected places.

Recently I had to take a loved one to their doctor appointment. I had to sit out in the hallway as I was not permitted in due to covid limitations.

A beautiful older lady came out, dressed so nicely, tasteful makeup and hair, and pushing her walker.

She began going down the hall and then turned to come back to me. She commented how it is hard to wait, and we started talking about the process of “Waiting” – which interestingly enough is my one word 2022.

Then she said this: “You know what I do when I wait?” She didn’t wait for me to respond but quickly continued, “I pray. Then the time is never wasted. It is put to good use. You pray while you sit there. Trust me, it will be the best use of your time ever!”

With that said, she turned and continued back down the hallway to the elevator. She was so sweet and gentle in the way she said it.

As she was walking away, I noticed her shoes. It was only then that I took note of them. She had to be a retired nun, still offering encouragement and blessing. They wore a particular kind of shoes, same as my grandmother – black and laced up.

it was such a profound moment, and I am still processing it all. She was so sweet and gentle and lovely.

She never said a thing about religion or Jesus and yet … she pointed me to the most powerful thing we can do – Pray.

You never know when or where God will send a message. May we have eyes and ears to see!

“Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17, NASB)

Never stop praying.(NLT)

“Pray continually.” (NIV)

“Pray all the time.”  (MSG)

Be unceasing in prayer [praying perseveringly].” (AMPC)


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