The week brought a look back at some familiar stories, a song each day, and time spent with Jesus …
We began the week in Matthew 16:13-20, where we find Jesus asking the question of His disciples – “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?”
He really was not interested in the concensus of people, for He then asks, “Who do you say that I am?”
This is the question He asks of each of us personally. Even if we are born into a Christian family, went to church all our lives, can sing all the hymns, and even quote Scripture by memory. None of that will matter except our reply to the question,
“Who do you say that I am?”
The great I Am asks the question of each of us.
How we answer makes all the difference, as it will cause us to live differently than the world. It will also change how the world interacts with us.
The study asks: Have you submitted to Jesus in every area of your life? Spend time reflecting on any areas of hidden sin or fears of publicly identifying with Christ.
My prayer for each of us is that today we would surrender all to Jesus.
Mid week found us in Matthew 17:1-8, Mark 9:2-8, and Luke 9:25-36, where we visited the familiar story of the transfiguration.
The study asks: How does the hope of glorification inform how you view your body? How do you react to knowing that the physical scars, disabilities, and imperfection will transform into a body of glory (Philippians 3:21) at Jesus’ second coming?
I found myself needing to focus on two statements made in the study. First one:
“We will forever marvel at the beauty of Jesus, thankful and praising Him for His saving work.” (from 40 Days with Jesus, page 142)
It was the word ‘marvel’ that had my attention … “something that causes wonder, admiration, or astonishment” (
We will one day be changed ourselves. Even as I type those words to you, the Scriptures are going through my head as a reminder:
“It will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, those who have died will be raised to live forever. And we who are living will also be transformed. For our dying bodies must be transformed into bodies that will never die; our mortal bodies must be transformed into immortal bodies.” (1 Corinthians 15:52-53, NLT)
That should cause us to marvel, to be amazed.
The study goes on to say:
“Let us awaken our hearts to this truth and set our eyes on the wonderful sight of the Cross.” (from 40 Days with Jesus, page 144)
The word ‘awaken’ now had my attention: “to arouse, excite, provoke, revive” (
I am praying these words speak to each one of our hearts. Our souls need to marvel and be awakened.
Is your soul feeling a little dry? I pray for the Lord to breathe into each one of us and cause us to marvel at the wonderful sight of the Cross.
We closed the week with John 11:1-44 and the raising of Lazarus from the dead.
Let’s go over the sequence of events:
- Lazarus is sick.
- Mary and Martha send word to Jesus, knowing He loved Lazarus.
- Jesus delays going.
- Lazarus has died and is in the tomb four days when Jesus finally arrives.
From our human perspective, and more so from Mary and Martha’s, Jesus has arrived too late.
“He [Jesus] will use this delay to reveal His glory in a way we cannot yet see.” (from 40 Days with Jesus, page 151)
We can get so impatient. OK, I can get so impatient. I want answers quickly as waiting can cause me to get worried or anxious. Anyone else? My very vivid imagination runs wild with all the “what if’s”.
The delay was for their good – so that they would know and believe not only for a future resurrection. Jesus wanted for them to come to believe in the days ahead that the Father had indeed sent Him, and in the person of Jesus Christ.
Jesus wants our response to Him to be belief and worship – even when there is a delay. Even when we are waiting.
“Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.” (Psalm 37:7, NASB)
Wait for the Lord.
Surrendering to God and knowing He has the best plans for me. 🙂
“Our souls need to marvel and be awakened.” Yes. Sometimes we can forget to notice all the miracles around us and in us every day !
It’s so true. But when we notice … what a beautiful glimpse of His glory can be seen.
You always bring a blessing into my world Ms. Joanne. Thank you so much ma’am.
So many great thoughts here! That question about who we say Jesus is is one of the most important ones of all, and, as you say, each of us has to answer it for ourselves. And the story of Lazarus always brings hope that God can work good even in “impossible” situations and reminds me that God knows what he’s doing even if his way is not mine.