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Today I was reminded of church services of years gone by, when the time of gathering was brought to a close with a prayer. But then there was that moment in which our pastor would invite us all to lift our hands and he would give the benediction.

The moment was special to me. Often the words felt like they were uttered just for me. Truly they were, as they were intended for each one who had ears to hear.

The benediction – it was a form of blessing pronounced by the pastor over each one in the congregation.

But it was even more …

It was those words which breathed hope into the week ahead. It was the final word of the service before we all departed for our own homes, and somehow, it was the word we could hold onto until we came together again.

The small book of Jude, only 25 verses in total, closes with a benediction. Jude wrote to bring a word of warning to the early churches who were struggling in their faith.

He encourages them to contend for their faith – to fight to hold onto or maintain their faith. His words are for us today as well.

He closes his short letter, which is strong in correction, with words of encouragement and hope. Hear his words spoken over not only the early believers, but over every believer since, and over us today:

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” (verses 24-25, NASB)

Here we find a promise within a promise. He is keeping us from stumbling, now, presently, each and every day.

He is also going to one day stand us in the presence of the Father, presenting us blameless. Blameless, without any fault or blemish. Our sins remembered no more. In perfection because of our Savior.

‘This well-known benediction contains a wealth of spiritual truth for the believer to receive. If we want to keep our feet on the ground spiritually, walk straight, and not stumble, then we must yield ourselves fully to the Savior. He alone is able to guard us, but we must keep ourselves safe in the love of God. He is able if we are willing.”

(from the Wiersbe Study Bible, page 1848)

Today Jesus will keep us from stumbling and one day,
He will present us before His Father blameless.
May we each hear these words spoken over us!

At nearly 70 years of age, Jan Saunders felt her word for the year was to be “Begin” and she is praying, Lord, come and do a new thing! A brave prayer for sure and you can read her post in full HERE.


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Today I am joining … Recharge Wednesday .