It’s January, or as some would call it – “the dead of winter.”
It’s the time of frozen and hard ground. Icy patches on the lawn. Thick grayness in the morning skies. It’s also the time of cozy blankets, crisp and white snow, perhaps a warm fire, and … no mosquitos!
So what is it we need to make it through this season?
I remember once hearing Chuck Swindoll state that in the season of winter, we most need consistency. He defined consistency as having patience, determination, and strength, regardless of changing times.
We develop consistency by spending time with God in the pages of His Word each day. As we do, we will not lose heart or grow weary. We grow in our faith so that we do not waver because we hold onto His promises.
But even further, we hold onto the consistent One.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8, NASB)
In Jesus, we find consistency. He is always there when we need Him. Actually, He is even there when we think we don’t need Him. He is there when we’re doing good, and when we fail, or fall short. He’s there in the best of our moods, and when we grouchy as all get out.
It’s true, we are in the dead of winter, but our souls can be warm and alive in Him as we remember who He is.
Jesus Christ is the same,
because He is immutable.
We need to stop for refreshment and restoration a little bit each day. In her post, Stop! I need to pull over!, Jennifer brings a powerful reminder that it is the only way we can continue on with the journey ahead.
Come, sit a spell. Bring your coffee, your posts, and your thoughts. If you link up, kindly visit those who have drawn up a seat around you.
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
Today I am joining …
I am soaking in Psalm 46 these days, God, our “Very present help.”
In THIS setting, on THIS day, God is at work, even if I am not seeing it.
Yes, even we cannot see Him at work, He is faithfully still at work!
“He defined consistency as having patience, determination, and strength, regardless of changing times.” This reminds that it is through consistency that change also happens. We can’t expect a new habit to develop by only doing the habit once! Change is constant, and God is with warm within us always. Thanks for my morning refreshment today!
Yes. To develop a new habit we need consistency and intentionality. It will never occur by accident.
I am so grateful that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is consistent and because of that, I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I can count on him.
Yes, we can always count on our consistent and faithful God! That brings such encouragement and hope when we think on it.
Consistency is a great word! I spent 2019 focusing on being consistent – or at least I did until COVID hit! Seriously though, I am much more consistent in the things that matter than I used to be. Perhaps that is why it’s easier for me to trust God than it used to be? I see how consistent He is – He is always with me, even when I don’t feel it.
Jerralea, your comment brought this thought to mind >>> Our consistent God works in us to make us consistent as well. It is part of being transformed more into His image.
Joanne, I’ve never head Chuck Swindoll’s thoughts on consistency, but love it and your words. Agree, since God never changes, staying in the Word and in His presence will keep us grounded and strong. Happy New Year!
Karen, Chuck Swindoll is probably my favorite teachers of all time and his words have stuck like glue. May we stay grounded and strong, consistent all of our days.
Joanne, such sweet encouragement not only for this winter season, but for every season of life. Consistency keeps us God focused instead of self-focused and postured to hear from Him. Love the song too!!
There is no better place to be than postured to hear from Him. So grateful you always share an encouraging thought!
Amen. Our souls can be warmed by His presence. Great message.
As I start this new year by joining “Sweeter Than Honey” in reading the Bible through this year, I have found the desire to have never been stronger. I love spending time with the Lord EVERY SINGLE MORNING!! Consistency is truly a desire of my heart. My OneWord for 2022 is “diligence” which is all about being consistent! I praise God for His walk with me.
I’m so thankful that we always know exactly who He is.
It’s the middle of Summer here Joanne, so it’s strange to read about your frosty weather there.
I find God’s consistency to us very comforting in this forever changing world.
Great post my friend!
Thank you for featuring my post Joanne! 🤗
Winter is the hardest for me–no growth, no color, no warmth outside. But you’re right, we need to be consistent whether our physically or spiritual landscape is vibrant or barren. God is the same even if circumstances are not, and He has a purpose for winter..
What a word. Consistency is a lifeline in these days. Grateful for the consistency, the faithfulness of our God.
Amen Joanne, This > “It’s true, we are in the dead of winter, but our souls can be warm and alive in Him as we remember who He is.” Is so indeed true, he sure does make our souls warm and alive. Blessings.
Visiting from #7&8
Joanne, I love Chuck Swindoll’s definition of “consistency†and also the truth that it’s most needed in winter. Also, my mom used to listen to Swindoll all the time when I was a child so he’s been a consistent voice of truth in my life for a long time. 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement to be consistent this new year.