The month of December is quickly passing, probably quicker, and slower, than I would like. The year will come to a close, and so will my journey with my One Word 2021.
When the word found me, it planted a seed in my heart. My heart’s desire was to do more than cope or adjust to circumstances, I wanted to prevail. I wanted to win any battle which came my way, overcoming the enemy with courage and strength. Standing firm on God’s promises.
And to do so, there were lessons needing to be learned, a few of which were:
- We question, wrestle, and come through. Jacob wrestled his questions out with God, and so can we. In so doing, we prevail, we win, because God is truly on our side. He actually desires for us to win. Jacob wrestled, questioned, and prevailed, and so can we. “He said, “Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel; for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed†, (Genesis 32:28, NASB).
- Faith holds on and prevails. “Streams in the Desert” brought this thought one morning:
“Faith’s work is to sustain us through those days and to solve them. Yet the only alternative to desperate faith is despair. Faith holds on and prevails.“
May we pray and live in faith. Believing in our God because faith holds on and prevails.
Pray. Trust. Work. Prevail. The discovery of “The Path of Prayer” by Samuel Chadwick brought more lessons in prayer: “There is no power like that of prevailing prayer.†From the life of Nehemiah, he brought out this encouragement: ““So he [Nehemiah] prayed and he trusted; so he worked and so he prevailed.†On those days when we think our lives will not make a difference, may we be like Nehemiah – trusting God has placed us exactly where He will be able to use us.
- When sin prevails against us, His grace prevails even greater. Sin will keep coming at us in an attempt to overwhelm us, and to load us down with a burden to heavy for us to carry. But His grace prevails even greater! “Iniquities prevail against me; As for our transgressions, You forgive them. How blessed is the one whom You choose and bring near to You to dwell in Your courts. We will be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy templeâ€, (Psalm 65:3-4, NASB).
“Prevail” was my one word for 2021 but somehow it has brought lessons which will be with me for life.
2021 – the year to Prevail –
“rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer …â€
(Romans 12:12, (NASB)
Today I am joining … One Word 2021 .
God is so faithful when we put our trust in Him.
I appreciate this overview of prevail, Joanne. This highlight is arresting, “Faith holds on and prevails.” May we believe, trust, and hold on until we prevail.
Wow, Joanne. God shared some powerful lessons with you with your One Word. I have years when He teaches me lessons that stay with me always. I’m so glad He showed you so much about “Prevail,” and that you, in turn, shared them with us.
I hope your Christmas holds many sweet memories, much laughter, and much love.
I’ve loved your journey with PREVAIL, Joanne. (Actually I feel like it’s been partly my journey too because everytime I read your posts on it, I connect deeply.) Thank you for taking the time to share with us the things you’ve learned along the way.
This is one of the most powerful and comforting thoughts to me: “When sin prevails against us, His grace prevails even greater.” Thank you, Jesus.
Joanne, I enjoyed hearing how you experienced and progressed through your one-word Prevail throughout this year. Your words were warm-hearted, benevolent, and encouraging. I look forward to reading your One Word 2022 Journey. Blessings.
Joanne, these are such encouraging thoughts to bring your focus on “prevail†to a close. I especially appreciate the quote about the power of prevailing prayer. Happy day after Christmas, my friend. 🙂