This study of Esther keeps bringing timely lessons to be learned …

We find the plan of Haman fully uncovered and backfiring on him as we continue to read Esther 7:7-10. The very gallows he intended for Mordecai will soon be used for his own demise.

As I read both the Scriptures and the study, one Scripture kept coming to mind:

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” (Galatians 6:7, NASB)

But Paul continues: “For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.” (verse 7)

Haman was surely sowing to his flesh – his hatred and resentment towards Mordecai and the Jews had given way to a full blown scheme to eradicate the Jews.

We are truly living in a time when our words matter. There are so many platforms where we can share our words, combined with the numerous happenings and topics by which opinions are shared, we must be wise in what we say.

The study brings this wisdom:

” … when our speech is led by the Spirit, then it will be fruitful according to His will.”

(from the study Then I Will Go, by Hello Mornings, page 44)

Are the words we sharing according to His will?
Are the words we share bearing good fruit?

Those two questions brought this verse to mind:

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14, NASB)

May we be wise stewards of our words. May they be words of truth and love, bringing hope and peace to those around us.

Let’s pray for God to lead our tongues to bear life-giving fruit today!


The story continues to unfold  in Esther 8:8-14, and we find Mordecai issuing an edict by which the people would be able to defend themselves.

They were a defenseless people and God worked on their behalf and in their defense.

We, too, often feel defenseless – against illness, parenting decisions, unemployment, housing challenges, aging, stresses all around us, and various other situations.

And yet, today may we be reminded He is our defense.

I loved the last sentence in the study:

“When we look at our troubles through the lens of who God is, we may not understand our circumstances, but we will understand Him more.”

(from the study Then I Will Go, by Hello Mornings, page 48)

May Romans 8:37 fill us with peace: “But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.”

In what area do you need overwhelming victory?


As we read Esther 9:1-10, it was difficult to read about the killing and loss of lives. But then we remember what is going on in other parts of our world today. We long for evil to be stopped, held back, and captured.

“God is indeed sovereign. And He is always, always good. Even if we cannot see the good, we can still look to the One who is Faithful and True (see Revelation 19:11).

(from the study Then I Will Go, by Hello Mornings, page 52)

I remind myself, often, God has a plan and He alone knows how He is unfolding it.

In reading Esther 9:1, we can find comfort in reading these words:

“… it was turned to the contrary so that the Jews themselves gained the mastery over those who hated them” (NASB).

As we face battles today, may we humble ourselves before God, asking Him to turn our situations so that we, too, gain mastery over that which wages against us.

While this song starts out with a different OT hero, may it bless someone today and encourage you that He is working for your good!


When words are spoken against us,
God is our defense,
and working for our good.


Photo 1: by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash
Photo 2: by Yan Savitsky on Unsplash

Today I am joining … Tell His Story and InstaEncouragements .