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Our nation is in such turmoil. Division abounds on all sides. But before we can see change in the world around us, we need change to occur and begin in our own hearts.

Praying For Revival by Jana Kennedy Spicer came into my mailbox through a giveaway. This is a guided journal for forty days of praying for revival, of seeking a closer relationship with Jesus.

The journal is broken down into several parts:

  • Revival Is. This is ten days of incorporating prayer into our daily life. “Together we can meet with God each day, petition Him for revival, and support one another.”
  • Silence & Surrender in Prayer. Here the ten day focus is on silencing ourselves before God so that we can learn to hear from Him. “Silence can be a place of sanctuary and surrender.”
  • Pray More, Worry Less. In this section for ten days, the attention is on worrying less and praying more to God by shifting our focus away from what might happen, the what if’s. “God is the only One who is all knowing and can take my prayers and petitions and cover them in His love & grace.”
  • How Prayer Cultivates Intimacy With God. The last ten days, we begin to focus on all that prayer cultivates in our lives when it is a daily discipline. “Establishing a fervent prayer life is hard, but it is so worth it to know the character of God and His ways.”

Each day is centered around one Scripture, a short devotional reading, and a prayer. There is room on each page to journal personal thoughts and prayers.

The book is a wonderful help and resource, guiding prayers and bringing encouragement each day. There are prayers and quotes on beautifully illustrated pages throughout the journal. This is a journal that can be used repeatedly as we are always in need of prayer.


** I received this book through a giveaway and was in no way obligated to provide a review. The book blessed me and my hope is in reviewing it, someone else would pick it up and also be blessed.

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Heart Encouragement and Booknificent Thursday .