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My journey with my One Word 2021 continues. Prevail. It is amazing how the word appears now and then, even when I am not thinking about the word.

“And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6, NASB)

Faith is such an important aspect of our walk with God. There have surely been days in my life, I have desperately prayed to God for a need or situation. As I type those words, I remember something I read about two weeks ago:

“Desperation is better than despair. Remember, our faith did not create our desperate days. Faith’s work is to sustain us through those days and to solve them. Yet the only alternative to desperate faith is despair. Faith holds on and prevails.

(from Streams in the Desert, page 128)

In the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, we meet those whose situations were changed and victories were won through persevering in faith. The chapter lists the many acts of faith which heroes of the faith endured. Each one is amazing, building our confidence in God.

It is through them we see that faith gets us through the challenging days, bringing the right solutions and filling us with peace.

Yet in reading through the entire chapter, there were those who endured but did not get the outcome they expected.

And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, because God had provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect.” (Hebrews 11:39-40, NASB)

They prayed in faith, believing their prayers would be answered, yet they did not see the answer in their lifetime. They have been commended for holding on and believing, even when they could not see the fulfillment of the promise. Basically, they died believing.

“The writer [of Hebrews] makes it clear that faith is very practical, despite what unbelievers say. Faith enables us to understand what God does. Faith enables us to see what others cannot see. As a result, faith enables us to do what others cannot do. People laughed at these great men and women when they stepped out by faith, but God was with them and enabled them to succeed to His glory.”

(Wiersbe Study Bible, page 1805)

We may not be able to see every circumstance clearly in this life. Some may not even make sense. But this does not change who our God is – loving, merciful, faithful, and full of grace.

May we pray and live in faith.
Believing in our God because
faith holds on and prevails.


Photo by Alaric Duan on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Tell His Story and InstaEncouragements and One Word 2021 .