This past week, we began the Hello Morning’s study – God. Plan. Move – covering three core components of a good morning routine. We all need to determine in our hearts to meet with Him, to stay the course, and grow in God.
In reading Psalm 143:8 and Lamentations 3:21-25, we find each of these writers laying out their cases for meeting with God in the morning. As we do the same:
- we set our hearts to hear from Him
- we set our hearts to trust Him
- we set our hearts to learning from Him the way we should go
But we gain even more … We remember His faithfulness, His goodness, His kindnesses towards us and are filled with hope.
For the last year, or longer, I have been reading and praying while sitting in front of our window each morning. I wait for the sun to come up. It may sound weird but the practice has taught me so much. The sun never quite comes up in the same place or in the same way, but it always, always shows up.
Our God is the same. His mercies are new every morning. They always show up.
Count your blessings. What goodness and new mercy can you thank Him for today?
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
(Matthew 11:28, NASB)
In Matthew 11:27-30, we find these familiar words.
Very simply, Jesus said, “Come”. Why?
Jesus had to bid the people then to come because the Pharisees kept pushing the people to “do”. They wanted the people to do and keep all the rules and regulations they had imposed on the people, and were impossible to keep.
Jesus knows we all are burdened, weighed down by all that is being placed on us at this time. He knows we need rest for our souls and the only place we will find this is in Him.
Be sure to take time to rest. “Rest” >> refreshing ease.
What refreshes you? Take a break from your daily routine. Do something relaxing, something you enjoy.
Honestly, one night recently my husband and I took a walk at 9PM, in the dark – no masks. Just a break from wearing a mask every time we leave our home was refreshing. The night was still and dark, silent, the air crisp (AKA – CCOOLLDD) but it was just what our souls needed. Walking, hand in hand, in the stillness. And once inside, we found ourselves refreshed.
It’s been a hard year for all. May we not grow faint or weary but run our race faithfully. The only way we will be able to do so is by taking time to rest in Jesus. Let Him fill your soul with His words of assurance. He will calm the busyness we feel each day.
There is such relief to be found in knowing He has been with us, faithfully giving the encouragement and strength needed each day.
Psalm 91 (verses 1-4, 9-10, 14-16) have often been quoted, especially this last year as a prayer of protection.
But last week, it fell as a cause and effect kind of psalm:
- we do something
- God does something.
So let’s look at these verses carefully …
- he who dwells … will abide
- he who has made the Lord your refuge … no evil or plague will come near you
- he who has loved Him … he will deliver you, set you securely
- he who calls upon Him … He will answer
“The Lord spoke and announced what He would do for those of His people who truly loved Him and acknowledged Him with obedient lives. The word here translated “love” is not the usual one; it means “to cling, to cleave, to be passionate.” (Wiersbe Study Bible, page 840)
This quote reminded me of the church at Ephesus. They were warned that they had left their first love (Revelation 2). They were still doing good deeds, hated evil, and had not grown weary. But their hearts were not passionate and on fire with love for the Lord.
Has your passion cooled or dimmed a bit? Let’s take time today to ask the Lord to set our hearts on fire.
In spending time with God,
we find the rest and awakening we need each day.
Photo 1: by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash
Photo 2: by Paul Green on Unsplash
Today I am joining …Â
“Let’s take time today to ask the Lord to set our hearts on fire.” What a wonderful call to action! And I love the description of you and your hubby walking together in the dark. What a beautiful way to recharge.