“God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.†(Matthew 5:8, NLT)
Jesus, in speaking to the crowd that day, now reminds the people the pure will see God. They would have immediately understood the implications as they would know all it took for the priests to enter the Temple. Ritual purity and cleansing was required before going in to meet with God.
The psalmist writes:
“Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, who do not worship idols and never tell lies. They will receive the Lord’s blessing and have a right relationship with God their savior. Such people may seek you and worship in your presence, O God of Jacob.†(Psalm 24:3-6, NLT)
This God who required much also made a means for us to meet this requirement through His Son.
Through Christ, we are made righteous. And we are being made righteous (pure) continually as we come before the Cross. We no longer live stuck in the mire of our past but with hope for the future and all that we are yet becoming.
“Purity is not innocence – it is more than that”, writes Oswald Chambers. I hope you will join me at Woman to Woman Ministries HERE as we continue looking at Jesus’ words to us all.
So glad that my impurities and blemishes are covered over by the blood of Christ. There is no way we can be pure enough in our own power. Given this grace we do still need to live in spiritual harmony with God – which takes work. And, we need to be willing to grow in character which may involve suffering. Given grace, may we still desire purity.
Bev xx
What an amazing gift we have been given. He has been so gracious to offer me purity in HIM. It is too overwhelming to think about, and yet that is what He wants us to receive. Thank you for sharing this beautiful study.