A photo recently reminded me of this prayer I read several years ago:
“Precious Lord,
Ignite a powerful, spiritual momentum in my life! Increase my capacity for You! Help me to grow in my knowledge and comprehension of Your Word. Empower me to pray with bold conviction and to speak with holy precision. Awaken my heart to love what You love and to see what You see. Help me to be consistent with the things that matter most in my life. Motivate me to steward the gifts and opportunities You’ve set before me. May I abound in love and increase daily in all wisdom, knowledge, and depth of insight. May I understand the times and know what to do. Surround me with Your favor as with a shield. Tuck me in the shadow of Your wing – teach me to dwell there, to live from that place of power and protection. May Your favor matter more to me than man’s opinion. Teach me Your way that I might walk the high path You’ve established for me. More, more, more of You in me, on me, and through me, Lord! My soul waits for You. Amen.”
(taken from Your Sacred Yes by Susie Larson, pages 162-163)
“My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the mourning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.†(Psalm 130:6, NIV)
Photo by David Tommasino
*This is a repost from 2015, found HERE.
Today I am joining … Let’s Have Coffee .