We began the week with reading 2 Timothy 1:1-7. Here we find Paul commending Timothy for his genuine faith. Even though they are apart, Timothy is remembered fondly.
“This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you.” (2 Timothy 1:6, NLT)
Paul reminded Timothy to “fan into flames” the spiritual gift he had been given.
Faith must be cultivated and this will take a daily tending. These times we are living are not for the weak in spirit. We need to keep our faith burning brightly so that it will produce power in our lives.
What are you doing to cultivate and strengthen your faith? What encourages you to press on and through the difficult days?
Jesus will help us to fan the flame and persevere so that we learn to fight well.
As we continue in 2 Timothy 2:1-7, we find Paul instructing Timothy, and us, to be strong and endure times which may be difficult.
Paul uses 3 analogies:
- Endure suffering. Good soldiers stay focused and don’t get caught up in the details of civilian life. This doesn’t mean we don’t know what is going on around us. This means that we stay focused on the purpose to which God has called us. Paul is reminding us that much like a soldier is concerned with obeying his commanding officer, we, too, should live in obedience and commitment to the Lord.
- Keep an eye on the prize. Athletes train with the purpose of obtaining the prize for which they compete. To do so requires self-discipline, doing the thing day after day after day.
- Do the hard work. Farmers work long and hard days. Their efforts are often not recognized until the harvest. Some seasons will bear more fruit than others.
Paul calls us to reflect on these three in order to gain insight (verse 7). The study asks: To which one – soldier, athlete or farmer – do you most personally relate? I would add, which do you need to better develop?
We closed the week with 2 Timothy 2:14-19, where Paul brings a sobering and timely reminder for us all:
“Remind everyone about these things, and command them in God’s presence to stop fighting over words.” (verse 14, NLT)
Arguing and splitting of words … it’s all around us on any number of topics. Whether they are good or bad, valid or invalid, true or false, this will only lead to no good. And here is why:
- “Such arguments are useless”
- and they can “ruin those who hear them.”
Paul encourages us to stay away from such worthless and harmful discussions. Our study wisely tells us to instead:
†… endeavor to study the Word of God and know what it says. We will only recognize lies when we have gazed at the truth for so long that any diversion flashes red with warning.â€
(Kelleen Little, Faithful Household of God, page 42)
The study asks a powerful question for us all to truly ponder and ask ourselves: How has social media influenced your Christian walk? Do you need to make any changes in the manner in which you express or receive spiritual truths through social media?
avoiding useless arguments and clinging to truth,
we will grow in strength and endurance.
Joanne, this is a powerful post. “These times we are living are not for the weak in spirit.” I’ve thought about this a lot both in mothering my teenaged sons (sometimes solo, when hubs travels) and with all 2020 has brought. These are difficult times, and the only way we will get through them well is through strengthening ourselves through God’s word and time spent with Him.
I also never thought about some of these ways of growing in strength, but I have to add my, “Yes, it’s true!” to your thoughts. We grow stronger through enduring trials, through keeping our eyes on the prize, and through doing the hard work. You’ve given me a lot to think about.
Jeanne, I am so grateful for the ways God has imparted strength to me in these days which, to be honest, are so wearying. May we not neglect meeting with Him each day on the pages of His Word. Blessings!
There is no better time than now to fan our embers of faith into flames. I feel like I’ve got the suffering part down, but I do need to keep my eye on the prize and not get disheartened. I need to keep doing the hard work so there will be a harvest. With the way our world is, I need to really rely on the Lord’s strength because apart from Him, I can do nothing.
Bev xx
Oh Bev, you have surely had your share of suffering. God has been so faithful to help you keep your eyes on Him and press on. Praying for the harvest which He alone can bring in and through the work of RCF!
Whoa! I don’t love the idea that the hard times are one way God fans the flames of our faith, but I see the truth of it and bow to his will and his ways.
Trust me, I don’t like it either 🙂 But I must say, those are the lessons which have stuck and brought about the most growth in my life. May we always bow to His will and ways. Not easy for sure but He gives the strength.
This is so timely. I have never seen more arguments on social media than I do now. I don’t want to avoid it, because I keep up with my siblings and friends that way. But I don’t really need to know everyone’s conflicting opinions about every little thing, so I do more scrolling and less in-depth reading there. I miss the days when FB was just a place to touch base with folks instead of a place for people to vent.
I also especially appreciate the part about fanning the flames. We tend to be passive in our faith, but God wants us actively engaged.
Barbara, I have called myself “a scroller” very often these days 🙂 So glad I am not alone in this. May we be active and speak out as God prompts. And keep silent when He prompts as well. May we have the wisdom to know the difference.
I have definitely felt weak in spirit lately. I’ve lived it out as well. I need to be purposeful this week (and beyond) to fan the flames!! I love that language. I need more of that farmer’s heart and attitude….to continue to do the work! The harvest will come!!
The growth of fruit in our lives is hard and painful work. May we be faithful and not grow weary. For in due time, we will reap a harvest for our God is faithful to His Word and His people. Blessings!