We’re in the fifth week of the study, “Faithful Household of God” which brought wonderful and needed thoughts …
In 2 Timothy 2:20-26, Paul talks about being expensive utensils, utensils that are cherished and loved. We want our lives to be used by God in ways that bring Him honor and glory.
At a time when people quite easily can get into an argument, two things stood out if we are going to be people used by God:
- We must keep ourselves pure. We must remove ourselves from what is ungodly and will taint us. We must “pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace” (verse 22, NLT).
- We must be patient with difficult people. If we gently present our thoughts and opinions, people are more apt to hear us, think about what we have said, and perhaps change.
What might need cleansing in our lives? How might we better prepare to do the good works God has prepared for us to do? Let’s prepare ourselves for the days ahead.
The passage – 2 Timothy 3:10-17 -Â can fall like a balm for our souls. There is so much out there which is distracting and discouraging.
Paul’s words to Timothy brings the reminder that this has been the way of the world. The world will always try to fog our minds so that we don’t see clearly.
“But don’t let it faze you. Stick with what you learned and believed, sure of the integrity of your teachers—why, you took in the sacred Scriptures with your mother’s milk! There’s nothing like the written Word of God for showing you the way to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.” (verses 14-17, MSG)
Only as we stick with God’s Word, adhering our very soul to His Word daily, will we be able to stand firm. These verse reminded me to endure, to persevere, to cling tightly to the one surety in life – Jesus.
In 2 Timothy 4:9-22, Paul reminds us there will be those who will leave us and those who will be encouraging and supportive at all times.
These words were not penned by Paul as “poor me” , but rather to encourage Timothy not to get discouraged by those who may not remain faithful. I read this thought from my commentary:
“Paul did not indulge his disappointments. Doubtless he was saddened that one as promising as Demas should have walked away from his commitment. However, he did not allow that setback to dominate his outlook, and he moved on to a more positive expression of what God was doing.” (from The New American Commentary, Vol. 34, page 257)
During these days when so many varied opinions are circulating, may we not get discouraged or disheartened. Instead may we remember that the Lord is always standing with us and will give us the strength to stand.
Paul closed this letter to Timothy with these words:
“May the anointing of our Lord Jesus be with your spirit and his grace overflow to you!” (verse 22, TPT)
I pray this for each of us today – may the anointing of the Lord be on us and His grace overflow!
May we be prepared utensils,
remaining faithful to what we have been taught, and
in whom His grace overflows!
Photo 1: by Loverna Journey on Unsplash
Photo 2: by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Photo 3: by mrjn Photography on Unsplash
Today I am joining …
Joanne, this is a powerful post. I so appreciate how you keep the word of God as your standard for how to respond to people and to situations. In light of all our country is going through, this paragraph really spoke to my heart:
“During these days when so many varied opinions are circulating, may we not get discouraged or disheartened. Instead, may we remember that the Lord is always standing with us and will give us the strength to stand.”
Thank you for the reminder that the Lord always stands with us and gives us the strength to stand.
I so needed to remind myself, Jeanne.
So much good stuff here. I especially appreciate the points about sticking with God’s Word and speaking gently to others–even when they aren’t being so gentle in their words.
I enjoyed reading your reflections here. I especially appreciated your point that the world will try to fog our minds and that it is so important that we keep holding to the truths of Scripture.
“Instead may we remember that the Lord is always standing with us and will give us the strength to stand.” This is definitely a truth that I depend on!