Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. The prompt this week is … Compromise.
Compromise – the definition which comes to mind is a watering down of a standard. A quick check of the dictionary brings a clearer meaning – “to make a dishonorable or shameful concession” (from dictionary.com).
In these days which are bringing rapid changes and a convoluting of principles, one wants to be able to hold strongly to the principles God has laid out in His Word for us to live by.
“So commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these words of mine … Be careful to obey all these commands I am giving you. Show love to the Lord your God by walking in his ways and holding tightly to him.” (Deuteronomy 11:18 & 22, NLT)
These words remind us to remember the lessons learned in the past and to be sure to teach them to future generations. This will involve a resolve and commitment to not compromise or stray from God’s truth.
The word prompt – Compromise – brought the words to a song to mind:
“I will follow you (I have decided, I have decided )
I will follow you (I have decided)
No turning back
No turning back
No turning back
No turning backThe cross before me
The world behind me
I will follow
You.”(from “No Turning Back, Chris Tomlin)
May we each resolve to not compromise and stay faithful to Him.
Photo by Genevieve Dallaire on Unsplash
Today I am joining …
A beautiful statement of what not to compromise. Love it.
Compromise in the right places sows life, but, how ironic, that it’s the slow path to spiritual death in the wrong places.
Exactly, I wrote about the two.
No turning back â¤
“These words remind us to remember the lessons learned in the past and to be sure to teach them to future generations. is will involve a resolve and commitment to not compromise or stray from God’s truth.” What a powerful reminder that we are to remember and to teach those coming behind us. But equally, of the importance of commitment to God’s truth. Thank you for sharing this beautiful reminder. Visiting from Grace and Truth.
Yes so true, the one area of no comprise is in following Jesus – Thank you. FMF#4
yes, whole heartedly. oh how i fail him. grateful, so grateful, for grace because he knows i need it. thank you for this sweet reminder.
No turning back! We sang that chorus in SS.
We did too 🙂
Awesome blog! I could not have said it better myself. We can and should stand up for what is right and stand against what is wrong in today’s ever changing world. As you said, God is unchanging.
Terri D
#7 FMF
Think I’ll stand where I am placed,
don’t think I will step back
for I don’t want to be disgraced,
so they may as well attack
the values that have made me,
the stuff that I hold dear,
my monuments and history,
my flag and college cheer.
Don’t think I will apologise,
don’t think I’ll bow my head
while they profanely eulogise
a world that they want dead.
Just let ’em know my loyalty’s tribal,
and I pack a pistol with my Bible.
In today’s world I feel forced to either compromise or be villainized. Thank you for this encouragement
Perfect song to illustrate what it means not to compromise.
Love this perspective! There is absolutely no compromise when we choose to follow Jesus. And thank you for sharing that song, beautiful!
Annie FMF#12