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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. The prompt this week is … Refrain.

Upon reading the word, one definition comes to mind … a phrase occurring repeatedly in a song or a poem (or in this case, a Scripture). It usually happens at the end of a chorus or a thought.

“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”
(Psalm 136:1, NLT)

It truly is the best refrain for these days we are living.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Masks became mandatory everywhere in public.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

We’re tired of lines outside the supermarket.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Wiping down all our food is wearing thin.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Children cannot play at parks and playgrounds.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Remote learning is hard for both children and parents.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Will school reopen in the fall?
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Will everything get shut down again in the fall?
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Conspiracy theories abound everywhere in both video and news articles.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Unemployment is on the rise.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Meat availability is on the decline.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Our hands hurt they are so dry and chapped.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Everyone is wondering when they will be permitted to go back to work.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Some are wondering how they will ever find employment again.
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Will Sunday church services be online much longer?
“His faithful love endures forever.”

What will be the “new normal”?
“His faithful love endures forever.”

Will there be a way for us all to keep safe and healthy from unknown viruses?
“His faithful love endures forever.”

No matter the questions and emotions which loom inside of us, may we remember the refrain for God’s faithful love surely will endure forever.

“He remembered us in our weakness.
His faithful love endures forever.
He saved us from our enemies.
His faithful love endures forever.
He gives food to every living thing.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His faithful love endures forever.”

(Psalm 136:23-26, NLT)


Photo by Kentaro Toma on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Grace & Truth .