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It was the fifth week of True Light for Everyone bringing another five days of meaningful study …


We began with reading Luke 2:1-7. Here we found Joseph and Mary heading to Bethlehem to register for the census.

It would seem that Augustus, the Roman emperor, is directing their travels. Or is he?

While they are there, Mary goes into labor and Jesus is born into this world, fulfilling prophecy. The study makes this powerful point:

“When God moves in our hearts, chaos turns to calm, worry gives way to worship, and pain yields to peace. Our futures are secure, based not on the whims of any earthly leader, but on the eternal promises of a coming Savior.”

Sovereign –> a person who has supreme power or authority.

There were two people with authority in the midst of Joseph and Mary’s lives that day but only One was sovereign.


Luke 2:15-21 had us looking at a chain effect.

The angels tell and the shepherds hurry to check out their story.

The shepherds tell and everyone is astonished.

Warren Wiersbe shares these thoughts in his study Bible:

“These shepherds are good examples for us to imitate today. Telling others about the Savior is our solemn obligation as well as our great privilege. We who are believers must be faithful.”

When was the last time you were filled with wonder over some part of the Christmas story or perhaps, a Christmas carol?

The study asks: Like the shepherds, do you need to “come and see” or “go and tell?” What would take you one step farther?

Perhaps we all can “go and tell” even one person we meet as we are out and about this Christmas season.


We closed this week with reading Luke 2:33-38 and looking at Simeon and Anna.

Simeon blesses the young parents while also letting Mary know what lie ahead. Both pain and joy would fill Mary’s life and both were a part of God’s sovereign plan.

Anna, a prophetess who never left the Temple, overhears the conversation. Her response?

She began praising God and talked about what she had heard with everyone. Why?

She had been waiting expectantly and had never stopped waiting for her Savior to come.

What are you waiting upon this Advent season? May you be encouraged today to wait and never cease waiting upon the Lord.


One Sovereign.
Go and tell.
Wait expectantly.


Graphics by Megan Della Tingle.
Today I am joining … Purposeful Faith and InstaEncouragements and Counting Our Blessings .