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The story of Moses, the Israelites, and the journey to the Promised Land is a familiar one. But recently, on a chilly and dark morning, it lit up my heart and mind.

The journey in the wilderness was supposed to take days but instead, it took forty years. Forty years of wandering and enduring harsh elements. Forty years of grumbling people, and grumble they did. Forty years of manna and quail.

Forty years is a long time.

God called Moses to lead the people out of Egypt. It was a burning bush experience (literally), and Moses eagerly responded, “Here I am!” when God called to him (see
Exodus 3:4, NLT).

As God unfolds the plan to Moses, a shift takes place in Moses’ perspective, for it seems too big a task for him to be able to achieve. The questions are endless:

  • “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh?”
  • “Who am I to lead the people out of Egypt?”
  • “What should I tell them?”
  • “What if they don’t believe me?”
  • “What if they won’t even listen to me?”
  • “Have you heard me speak lately? I stutter …”
  • “Isn’t there anyone else You can send to do this?”

From the start God had given Moses the one and only answer he would need to know and remember:

“God replied to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” (Exodus 3:14, NLT)

God was telling Moses Who He was … the One without any limitations, the One able to do all things, the One who knew all things, the One Who was and is and always will be.

My GPS offers several options as I plug in a destination: the shortest route, the one without tolls, the one with the last traffic. They will all get me to the same destination but the journey will not be the same.

At times, the route God uses in our lives may not be the shortest, or easiest route to our destination. The lessons learned along the way are the lessons God desires for us not only to learn, but to leave behind for our children and grandchildren.

God recorded in His Word the lessons Moses and the people experienced during those forty long years. Through them we learn how to fight our enemies, how to depend on God for our daily necessities, how to trust Him, and the importance of obedience.

But more so, we learn come to learn Who He is.
He is the One who is enough for every situation.

God replies to us, “I AM WHO I AM.”


Photo by Raivis Razgals on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Woman to Woman and Recharge Wednesday  .