Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Success.
“Success” can be defined as achieving one’s goals.
Joshua was given this word by his predecessor, Moses:
“This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.” (Joshua 1:8, NASB)
But what is this success this verse is promising?
Moses was instructing Joshua to be obedient in all his ways, careful to keep God’s Word in his mind and on his tongue. He was to follow God’s principles in all he did and then he would have success.
We tend to use this verse to mean financial prosperity and ambition. In looking at this verse quietly, and more closely, I cannot help but wonder if we have missed the true meaning of success to which this verse points.
I wonder if Moses were telling Joshua then, and God’s Word is telling us today, that as we align our endeavors or our efforts to His will we will succeed.
When our focus is on God and our relationship with Him, keeping His Word hidden in our hearts and alive in our thoughts, He directs our steps.
Success then would be achieving God’s goals through obediently following His lead.
Joshua experienced success, not because of his experience or his ability, but because he remained focused on God. He remained obedient to do as God commanded and faithful to His Word.
Success is looking differently this morning.
Success …
not turning to the right or to the left,
but faithfully obeying God’s Word.
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Faith ‘N Friends .
Yes, God’s definition of success is different than ours. We should rest in that. It is enough that we just follow God. Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you!
We can so get distracted by the world’s definition of success. It was good to be reminded by this prompt.
AWESOME BLOG! Loved it! Can you please read my blog titled Spiritual Success and make a comment? I typed as fast as I could but I still went over the time limit by a couple of minutes.
Did the Spartan men succeed
on that bloody final day?
Did they find that which they need
in dying at Thermopylae?
Did the Texans, holding fast
know that victory was theirs
long after that grim morning passed,
a heritage cherished by their heirs?
Do we truly know the worth
of the things we leave behind,
can we clear-foresee the birth
of treasures that we brought to mind?
It’s just in us to do our best,
and in God’s hands place all the rest.
Indeed, Andrew, this >> “in God’s hands place all the rest.”
Ah – I’d almost forgotten about this verse in reference to the prompt. Great look at the verse…which is so much more than prosperity gospel. Encouraged by your thoughts – have a great weekend!!
Wonderful post. I have never understood why we place so much importance on being financially successful. Being able to walk in the word of God (or at least to have done your very best) is what will count in the end.
I loved how you used this verse as a springboard to “success,†Joanne. It’s such a different view from what the world says, and yet it’s the only kind of success that really matters. Hugs, friend!