Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Challenge.
The word causes me to think of a dare, a call to compete or a contest.
My Bible dictionary defines it this way: “to put to a test or trial; to dispute with.”
Every day we face challenges of varied sorts and levels of difficulty. A challenging day can stem from navigating traffic to get to work to tackling the never ending pile of laundry. It can be getting your child to finish their homework or getting through a chemo treatment. The pile of bills which far outweigh the money in the checking account can seem like an impossible challenge to overcome.
Challenges come packaged up in any number of ways.
It’s when we are faced with a challenge, when our faith is being put to the test, that we discover something new about our God and often, about ourselves.
As we face these moments which seem to challenge us to go beyond ourselves, we discover we never face a challenge alone. God is with us in the middle of every challenge.
“Lord, there is no one like you! For you are great, and your name is full of power.†(Jeremiah 10:6, NLT)
As we face the challenges of life, may we remember –
God is with us in every challenge.
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Faith ‘N Friends .
I really liked your post. And I like that you kept to the rules and kept it within 5 minutes. I posted for the first time on this site and I admit I went a couple minutes over. Some people wrote very long blogs. Anyway thanks for sharing. â¤ï¸
Terri (aka Tess)
Thank you for stopping here. I’ve always been one to keep to the rules, although if you count making the graphic, I went over 🙂
Sorry, I made a typo. My website is
Yeah, these aren’t the easiest days,
and they can be quite challenging,
but they offer, friend, so many ways
to strive and cope, thus overcoming.
I can’t remember what it was to walk
without such body-slamming pain,
or set a spell, and slowly talk
while listening to the summer rain.
Today there’s living with intention,
to conquer every moment’s fear
and face that which I dare not mention,
the doubt of seeing one more year.
Looking down the road gets tough,
but a foot at a time, and that’s enough.
Thank you, Andrew, for living these days so transparently. Truly you are demonstrating the wonder of facing challenges in the strength of the Lord.
I am so blessed that regardless the challenge, the Lord meets me there. xo
He is there for us in every one!
Interesting that you mention challenges as anything from traffic to chemo. And they are challenges. Each of our own challenges is unique – but so often I think my challenge is trivial. But God cares – not only about each of us uniquely but about each and every challenge I face. That is a sweet thought today!!
It was good to remind myself of how varied challenges can be. Yet God is with us in every one.
Tackling Mount Laundry! I love that you included that because sometimes it’s one of my biggest challenges of the week! :p
It’s true 🙂 Challenges come in all sorts, and we need Him to get through them all.