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That the desires of the heart are to examined and governed

“My Son, thou hast still many things to learn, which thou has not well learned yet.”

What are they, Lord?

(The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis, The Third Book,  Chapter 11, page 65)

There is much we have yet to learn. Life will require a constant learning, exposing ourselves to information, knowledge, and experiences which will cause stretching and growth. This occurs only as we remain willing to be taught and have the knowledge imparted to us. 

The question we need to ask ourselves is,  “What are those things, Lord? What would You have us to learn today?”

We must not get distracted, as even good things can become a distraction from the best things that He places before us and calls us to do.

Even good desires can be a distraction from God’s best for us.

Won’t you join me today at W2W Ministries where I will explore the questions we need to be asking ourselves when opportunities present themselves.



Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Inspire Me Monday .