Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Search.
The dictionary defines search – “to go or look through (a place, area, etc.) carefully in order to find something missing or lost” (dictionary.com).
The image comes quickly to my mind – the shepherd searching out for his one lost sheep.
“If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?” (Matthew 18:12, NLT).
My heart is filled with deep gratitude for at one time, I had been the one the Shepherd went to search and rescue. This is the very heart of Jesus, who longs not to lose any one of us.
Our Savior cannot rest while one sheep is lost. Sheep are weak and defenseless and in need of rescue.
A conversation inspired me to read on this very subject just a few days ago. I discovered this thought:
“The wandering of a soul causes Jesus deep sorrow; he cannot bear the thought of its perishing. Such is the love and tenderness of his heart that he cannot bear that one of his own should be in jeopardy. He can take no rest as long as a soul for whom he shed his blood still abides under the dominion of Satan and under the power of sin; therefore the Great Shepherd neither night nor day forgets his sheep: he must save his flock, and he is straitened til it be accomplished.”
(from a sermon by C.H. Spurgeon, blueletterbible.org)
This should fill us with such hope as we pray for loved ones who may be wandering far from the fold. There is a great joy which comes from recovering one from the distress of being lost.
Our Savior takes the initiative and goes to great lengths, any length, to bring back to Himself those who have strayed away. Each life is equally valuable to Him and He receives great joy in restoring each wanderer into relationship and fellowship.
Jesus – The Great Shepherd –
moved deeply to search for the one lost sheep.
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Fresh Market Friday and Faith ‘N Friends .
He let me get just far enough…then The Rescuer came. It was quite a 911 !!!
I always marvel at the beautiful posts you come up with IN 5 MINUTES!!! I would have to ponder for hours to come up with something as good as this. Our Savior does search us out – each one of us. Blessings!
Laurie, I am always amazed at how the word prompt always fits in with a conversation or something I have read over the week. Otherwise, I am not sure I could do it in 5 minutes. Thank you for your encouragement!
It is so reassuring to remember Jesus’ compassion for the lost, and that he never gives up searching!
So grateful as well that He never gives up!
Beautiful. He is the one who Searches for us! Visiting from FMF.
It is truly encouraging to me as well.
Such comfort, especially for those of us who are praying… Visiting from FMF.
Joanne, I just said a prayer for the salvation of a dear loved one–precipitated after reading your post. Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the busyness and simply forget those in need of salvation. Sigh…. I thank God for you and for this reminder. Have a wonderful weekend!
Kristi, thank you for encouraging me. We need to remember to be faithful to pray for the salvation of others. May we persevere knowing our prayers are heard by the One who faithfully pursues. xo
Thank you Joanne. So many things come to mind when you think of the word SEARCH. I admit that wasn’t one that came to my mind. I love the picture of Christ as the Shepherd. Coming from FMF 13.
Diane, it was the only thought which came today and was due to a conversation I had with a friend earlier in the week on this very subject. The prompts always amaze me 🙂
A beautiful reminder of God’s love and grace toward us. Thank you, Joanne, for prompting me to think back with gratitude to the day the Shepherd found me.
Visiting today from FMF 23.
It is amazing the gratitude that wells up inside of us when we remember the day He found us. Blessings!
So glad our God is the shepherd who looks for that one lost sheep!
We wandered, my bro-sheep and I
in idiotic woolen bliss,
then bleated, under an unfamiliar sky,
“I’ve got a baaad feeling ’bout this.”
We were lost, and our path
to the fold was not in view.
Circling wolves presaged a bloodbath;
what, oh what to do?
Suddenly there came a shout,
a Voice we knew so well,
and the wolves did turn about,
running back to hell.
Our stupidity did cause Him sorrow,
and we vow to be good…till tomorrow.
Andrew, I so love that you are sharing your thoughts in poetry as of late! This one is so true – it is a day by day journey as sheep. So grateful we can hear His voice each and every day turning us back to Him. Praying for you and Barb this morning!
Just SO MUCH Hope here!!! Amen to this truth: “Our Savior takes the initiative and goes to great lengths, any length, to bring back to Himself those who have strayed away.” So good!
This a beautiful metaphor of how Jesus loves us, Joanne. The truths you’ve shared bring me great comfort when I think about my girls becoming adults in this world … I often tell them that their heavenly Father will never stop pursuing them, even if they go off on their own way at some point. Hugs, friend!
Lois, this is the very comfort I take as well for my own children, and now granddaughters. So grateful He is every faithful to pursue. Blessings!