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Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Search.

The dictionary defines search – “to go or look through (a place, area, etc.) carefully in order to find something missing or lost” (

The image comes quickly to my mind – the shepherd searching out for his one lost sheep.

“If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?” (Matthew 18:12, NLT).

My heart is filled with deep gratitude for at one time, I had been the one the Shepherd went to search and rescue. This is the very heart of Jesus, who longs not to lose any one of us.

Our Savior cannot rest while one sheep is lost. Sheep are weak and defenseless and in need of rescue.

A conversation inspired me to read on this very subject just a few days ago. I discovered this thought:

“The wandering of a soul causes Jesus deep sorrow; he cannot bear the thought of its perishing. Such is the love and tenderness of his heart that he cannot bear that one of his own should be in jeopardy. He can take no rest as long as a soul for whom he shed his blood still abides under the dominion of Satan and under the power of sin; therefore the Great Shepherd neither night nor day forgets his sheep: he must save his flock, and he is straitened til it be accomplished.”

(from a sermon by C.H. Spurgeon,

This should fill us with such hope as we pray for loved ones who may be wandering far from the fold. There is a great joy which comes from recovering one from the distress of being lost.

Our Savior takes the initiative and goes to great lengths, any length, to bring back to Himself those who have strayed away. Each life is equally valuable to Him and He receives great joy in restoring each wanderer into relationship and fellowship.

Jesus – The Great Shepherd –
moved deeply to search for the one lost sheep.


Photo by Anita Austvika on Unsplash
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Fresh Market Friday and Faith ‘N Friends  .