It’s my third time through The Imitation of Christ by Thomas A. Kempis. He’s becoming like an old friend who can speak hard truth into my life, effecting change and a growth in my walk with God. Let me share a portion of the words read earlier this morning:

“Let nothing be great, nothing high, nothing pleasing, nothing acceptable unto thee, save God Himself or the things of God …

The soul that loveth God looketh not to anything that is beneath God. God alone is eternal and incomprehensible, filling all things, the solace of the soul, and the true joy of the heart.”

(from The Imitation of Christ, The Second Book, Chapter V)

Kempis was a monk but one does not need to be a monk to recognize the value of sitting quietly before God and with His Word.

We are not to be self-absorbed, focusing solely on ourselves and our present situation. At the same time, we cannot be absorbed and focused on those around us, as this leads us into gossip and being judgmental.

Our focus needs to be first and foremost on God – for He alone is God.

Our souls need to be so absorbed with God that nothing else draws our attention but God Himself. He alone is to be our solace – our source of comfort and consolation – and true joy.

He must become our all in all, and we will be less apt to think, gossip, and judge others. We let go of our expectations and thereby, are less disappointed by people.

As we allow the light of His Word to reveal our shortcomings and blindness towards ourselves, our lives are transformed.

“The people who have sat in darkness have seen a great light. And for those who lived in the land where death casts its shadow, a light has shined.” (Matthew 4:16, NLT)

May His Light shine in our hearts until
our hearts are fully absorbed with Him.