I don’t like change and usually do not do well with it. When life is in a routine and things are familiar, there is a sense of security. It’s in the familiar I find myself most comfortable.
God has a funny way of shaking me out of the familiar and comfortable. Like you, I have found myself in a new beginning several times over the course of my life:
- beginning in a new job
- beginning in a new church
- beginning a new book
- beginning a new diet
- beginning in a new school
- beginning a new relationship
In none of those beginnings did I find myself comfortable. Or at ease. Most times, I felt awkward and out of place.
Did you notice it was all about how I felt in the midst of the new beginning?
In her book, Free of Me, Sharon Hodde Miller shared this quote:
“One of the best ways to face this problem of self-centeredness is to discover some cause and some purpose, some loyalty outside of yourself and give yourself to that something.†(Martin Luther King Jr.)
She goes on to explain:
“When you find and pursue your purpose, you can feel it in your bones. Its exhilarating, and motivating, even when it’s hard. That’s what is so powerful about purpose. It’s not all hearts and rainbows. It doesn’t always feel good, and it’s certainly not easy, but it is compelling.”
(page 156, Free of Me by Sharon Hodde Miller)
The unknown of a new beginning brings an excitement, an eagerness to see what and how God is going to work and unfold His plan.
In writing to the Israelites, God encourages them to remember where they had come from (Egypt) while looking forward to the days ahead. He wanted them to realize dwelling on the past would cause them to stagnate.
“But forget all that – it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” (Isaiah 43: 18-19, NLT)
New beginnings –
the places where passion and purpose collide.
As we face new beginnings, what should be our focus?
I hope you will join me today at Faith On Fire for the rest of this post. Lyli Dunbar has a wonderful community and you are sure to find the encouragement you need. Just click HERE.
Be sure to follow Lyli on Twitter and Facebook for more posts to keep your faith on fire.
The graphic was a gift to me from Lyli Dunbar.
Today I am joining … Faith On Fire and Fresh Market Friday and Faith ‘N Friends .
I really enjoyed this over at Lyli’s, Joanne, and it reaffirms for me that there a number of books that I need to re-read!
Thank you for your encouragement, Michele! I will confess, Free of Me yet sits on my desk. I keep re-reading bits and pieces as needed 🙂
The season of cancer came,
and before it my soul quailed.
I wanted my old life, the same,
but my heartfelt entreaties failed.
Without insurance, I surely learned
of the full extent of pain,
but the resentment I might have earned
proved unworthy of the name.
In my private hell, I fully saw
the Saviour’s bleeding Passion,
and it’s with a kind of awe
that I can mirror this, in action.
I’m not the Christ, but if I yet Love
I am no stain on God above.
Andrew, even in your pain, you continue to write and make us all think. I so appreciate you. Praying for you and Barbara tonight!
I actually love new beginnings and that sense of anticipation that comes with it. New beginnings feel like fresh, clean slates to me. An opportunity to become a better version of me. I definitely identify with the discomfort, especially when I don’t feel adequate or qualified for what’s ahead…I’m there now, so I appreciate the encouragement!
Crystal, I so appreciate your perspective. Perhaps instead of thinking of my discomfort, I need to get a picture of a clean slate – waiting for an opportunity. I really like that!
New beginnings, even the ones we are excited for, can still bring with it a bit of apprehension. But it’s in that apprehension that we learn to lean on Jesus and trust! Love the quotes you shared!