True You by Michelle DeRusha is a book that takes us on a journey. The author brings us, the readers, along her path of discovering her true self and purpose in God.

Her journey is rich with gardening analogies of trees and leaves and beauty. She weaves stories to help us discover where we need to let go and declutter our lives so that our souls can be fuller.

Some of my favorite quotes from the book include:

  • “It is only in moving toward smaller and less – in cutting back in order to open up – that we uncover who we are at the very center of our God-created selves.” (page 19)
  • “Our minds need time and space to catch up with what our soul already knows.” (page 36)
  • “In other words, deep transformation, in both the garden and in ourselves, requires observation, reflection, and time.” (page 46)
  • “The journey to wholeness and healing, it turns out, does not begin with surgery or even with diagnosis. The journey to wholeness begins with admitting you are broken.” (page 69)
  • “Only you can identify your false self. Only you can answer God’s call to name your deepest brokenness, and only you can offer that brokenness up to God.” (page 88)
  • “The maiming became the sculpting. The paring back gave way to a vigorous flourishing.” (Mark Buchanan as quoted on page 97)
  • “God calls us to stay and wait, and all the while, he is working out something we can’t see or imagine.” (page 133)
  • Conversatio morum – conversion of life – is a long, slow process that often includes periods of what feels like indefinite waiting. Though we can’t always discern it, God is at work, even in this season that looks like dormancy.” (page 152)

I found the book to be a quick read but also, a slow read as I went back to reread and savor the words, letting them sink in deeply. Each chapter closes with a “Going Deeper” section which includes questions for thoughtful reflection and application.

This is a wonderful book to start off the new year. And yet, it is a book to read, and reread, throughout the year. Much like the trees, our lives will always be in need of pruning and shaping.

One can say True You is a book for life …
discovering the life God has for us each.


*** I received an advanced copy of the book from the publisher.  This post contains an affiliate link to Amazon. If you choose to click through and make a purchase I will receive a (very) small commission at no extra cost to you.

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