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Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Loyal.

My Bible defines ‘loyal’ as “unswerving in allegiance; faithful”.

Faithful to God, most definitely. And then faithful to one’s promises, responsibilities, and commitments.

As far as people, my husband is probably the one person the word ‘loyal’ best fits. He remains faithful and committed to his family, his work, and those in need of help to the point he puts himself last. Everyone can count on him. And do.

As I read the prompt this morning, one verse quickly came to mind:

“Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me.” (Psalm 51:10, NLT)

A loyal spirit comes from within us.
A loyal spirit comes from a clean heart.

People have come and gone over the course of my life. But God has been faithful, loyal – He is committed to His own. He has been loyal to me when I was not loyal to Him, and undeserving of His loyalty. He has been the One constant in my life.

Today I am praying: Lord, create a clean heart in me. Bring to my awareness today, and continually, everything that needs to be excised. Help me to do the hard work of keeping short accounts with you. It is then and only then I will have a loyal spirit within me. Loyal to You. Loyal to family. Loyal to those You have called me to serve. Renew a loyal spirit within me. Amen.