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Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4;8, ESV)

We know the importance of focusing our thoughts so we are better able to face the challenges of life. Right thinking makes all the difference in the way we will react when difficulties hit.

In his book, How Joyful People Think, Pastor Jamie Rasmussen explains how to focus our thoughts using Philippians 4:8 as the foundation:

This verse comprises about three dozen well-chosen words, one of which is repeated six times. It asks us to consider no less than eight ways of thinking befitting people who desire to find their sufficiency and satisfaction in God. It’s for people who want to learn to think differently – who don’t want to settle for the status quo of current culture. These are God’s attitudes for his people, and they are his way of allowing us to have regular counterfactual experiences as we make our way through all the ups and downs of life in this fallen world.

(from page 23)

He continues to unpack the eight aspects of correct thinking:

  • “Whatever is true”. God’s truth is always correct and must be the reality we focus on. When transcendent truth and personal truth collide, we find God.
  • “Whatever is honorable”. To have honorable thinking, we need self-control, wisdom, and steadfastness. We can learn to develop a non-reactionary spirit.
  • “Whatever is just”. We need to become people who do right and make right.
  • “Whatever is pure”. In order to have pure thinking, we must remain unstained or undiluted by all the negative influences around us. We can have healthy relationships with others as we develop a healthy relationship with God.
  • “Whatever is lovely”. We are called to include the love of pleasure in our daily thoughts. This will surely pull us to focus on others as we recognize the truth that pleasure is most deeply discovered in giving rather than getting.
  • “Whatever is commendable”. We are to focus on developing godly character which will lead to a good reputation. A good reputation, being a person who is commendable, makes us a person God is both pleased with and can be used by Him.
  • “If there is any excellence”. This is outstanding goodness that is biblically guided and Spirit empowered. We experience excellence as we become people who are guided and empowered by the Spirit in everything we do.
  • “If there is anything worthy of praise”. There are three parts to this. We must appraise, approve, and applaud God and those around us. This is the pathway which will encourage and build up. Difficult circumstances become properly framed as we are brought to praise God.

I found this book challenging in the best of ways. Life is going to unfold and I will be unable to control the circumstances. But I can be in control of how I think and this will lead to a joy filled life.

“With a renewed perspective comes a renewed focus.”
~Pastor Jamie Rasmussen


** I was provided a copy of this book by Baker Books Bloggers to review. This post contains an affiliate link.