“The disciples of John the Baptist told John about everything Jesus was doing. So John called for two of his disciples, and he sent them to the Lord to ask him, “Are you the Messiah we’ve been expecting or should we keep looking for someone else?” (Luke 7:18-19, NLT)
He was sitting in a dark prison cell. And no one was coming. No rescuer bursting through the doors … Perhaps, sitting there alone, away from the crowds, and pondering his life, John the Baptist wondered if anything had really changed at all.
John was blinded by the walls that surrounded him. And he just wanted to know for sure, “Are you the one?”
On this day, soak in the light of the resurrection. Sing songs of praise and power. Marvel at the miracle of Jesus, at the gift of His grace. And when your day of doubting come, when you are blinded by the walls you keep hitting, remember that yes, He is the one. There is no one else.
Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to see the constant reminders of who You are, not just today, but every day. Amen.
(taken from Daily Wisdom for Women, 2018 Devotional Collection, 4/1/18)
Today I am joining … Open Sunday Thoughts and Spiritual Sundays and Scripture & a Snapshot .
Ah, yes, there is no one else! He’s the One!
Soaking in the light of the resurrection. It’s truly the most amazing part of our history; that Jesus, the very Son of God, would die for a sinner like me and you and then rise again triumphant over every last enemy!
I pray this, too: “Lord, open my eyes to see the constant reminders of who You are, not just today, but every day.” Amen!