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“He has gone to be the guest of a notorious sinner,” they grumbled.” Luke 19:7, NLT)

“Zacchaeus needed Jesus. He needed Him so much, he was willing to make a spectacle of himself just to get a glimpse of the Man. He climbed up into that sycamore fig tree, high above the crowd who wanted to put him down. And it worked – Jesus saw him.

No matter what you could give up, Jesus gave up more – and He did it for you. So, if you get a chance to sit at His table – even if your invitation is addressed to the Biggest Sinner of All – make sure you don’t miss it. Be His guest.

Prayer: Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen.

(taken from Daily Wisdom for Women, 2018 Devotional Collection, 4/29)