It was a morning much like every other morning – I go downstairs to spend time talking with my parents. The morning sun was strong and brilliant. If it weren’t for the snow covering the grass, you might have thought it was a spring day.
Standing at their kitchen window, looking out over the yard as I listen to dad telling of the latest weather forecast, I beheld my first robin of the season. First one. It was eye level and close. It’s reddish orange belly a precious sight. I held my breath, watching him as he watched me.
And then he dug his beak down through the snow. He did this a few times until finally, up from the snow his beak came with his treasure – a worm.
My heart was filled with joy in seeing my first robin and his quest for food. I have always marveled at robins. No matter the food in the bird feeder, they never partake. Or at least, not that I have seen. They seem to enjoy looking for their own, for the worms, for what is not yet seen.
It brought to mind Simeon and a verse recently read:
“At that time there was a man in Jerusalem named Simeon. He was righteous and devout and was eagerly waiting for the Messiah to come and rescue Israel.The Holy Spirit was upon him and had revealed to him that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. That day the Spirit led him to the Temple.” (Luke 2:25-27, NLT)
This description gives me insight into the qualities of Simeon:
- Simeon was devout. He was intense, serious, and fervent. One might use the word – focused – (my OneWord 2018). He did what was right and expected.
- Simeon was alert and waiting. He knew the Messiah was coming and he stayed on watch. Again, he stayed focused.
- Simeon held onto the truth told to him. The Holy Spirit had revealed to him that he would not die without seeing the Lord’s Messiah.
- Simeon followed where he was led. Simeon knew to follow the Holy Spirit, to walk where he was led.
God is at work all around us but often we can miss it if we are not focused. The demands of the day can distract us, pulling our eyes to look at the ordinary and routine.
We must be fervent and focused, alert and waiting, holding onto the Truth we have been given, and following Him as He leads. We must live each day in a continual state of expectation and anticipation. This is the way we will recognize and experience God’s activity.
“Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you.” (Psalm 143:8, NLT)
The robin digs deep to get its nourishment. And so must we. Let’s not just feed from what is put in front of us. There are so many devotionals and books we can read. They are wonderful and their words bless us. But may we not let those words take the place of The Word.
Let’s get into God’s Word for ourselves, digging deep into His fertile soil of Truth.
And if we do it in the early mornings, we may just discover:
The early bird catches the worm!
Today I am joining … #DreamTogether and Inspire Me Monday .
I love this, Joanne! It’s so easy to be drawn away from God’s Word by reading other good words…But he wants us to come and encounter him in his Word for ourselves first! Thanks for this reminder today!
It was a reminder to myself as well, Stacey, as I so love to read.
Your post reminded me of yesterday’s sermon where our pastor encouraged us to see the goodness of God around us. It can often be seen in His beautiful creation–like the gigantic rainbow arching my neighborhood the other day. And there is nothing like searching God’s word on your own and hearing the Lord speak to your heart. Blessings to you!
As we search and hear the Lord speaking to our hearts, His Word becomes most personal to us.
Yes! I resonate so much with what you’ve said today, Joanne! I hope your words encourage those who are not “digging deep” to become more committed to finding the treasures of God’s word. It’s always the highlight of my day!
I hope my words encourage us all to keep on digging and stay close to God’s Word.
Found you from the #dreamtogether link up. I am attending a Bible study on the parables, and even after reading those for the hundredth or more time, it is amazing to me how much is still to be mined out of them when we really dig deep. That is true for the entirety of His Word! Thanks for this great reminder.
Toni, I so agree with you. It is amazing how we can see something new in the most familiar of passages. His Word is always new and fresh and alive.
Love this, Joanne. And, my daughter is enjoying the two new Lilla Rose clips we chose with the gift certificate you provided. Thank you so much!
Sarah, I am so glad your daughter is enjoying the clips. It is so fun to share about a wonderful product. Blessings!
I love that illustration of the bird digging in to get the worm, and how we need to dig into God’s truth each day. Also the importance of staying focused and living with expectancy and anticipation!
Focus, expectancy, and anticipation are an exciting way to approach God’s Word. So glad to be on this one word journey with you.
This early bird has to dig for Truth early in the am so that I can stay focused throughout the day. Oh how easy it is to get distracted and off course. Watching the birds at my feeder outside my window will keep you post at hand….
Thanks and blessings,
Bev xx
Bev, I too, find it is easy to be distracted. I want to stay focused so I don’t miss what God has for me. Blessings!
I love the illustration! I especially love that we can learn so much from birds and other things in nature. May I, too, be a robin in my search for Jesus.
It is amazing all we can learn from birds, Anita. And I know you enjoy birds as I have loved your photos.