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It’s a word we hear and see tossed around quite a bit. As I sat thinking on it a bit, I came to realize, community can probably be boiled down to a single word – Fellowship.

Maybe two words even – Friendship.

Funny how they both begin with the same letter too.

One of the joys coming from social media and blogging has been fellowship and friendship. Connection and community.

In Ecclesiastes 4, we find the benefits of community explained even further:

  • they can help each other succeed
  • they reach out to lift one another up when they fall
  • warmth of connection
  • safety from being overcome

Friends encourage us.

They inspire us with courage, spirit, and hope. They spur us on when we try a new endeavor. They want us to succeed.

The writer of Hebrews gives us these words:

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:24, NLT)

When recently asked to review a product, my initial response was to say, “No”. It was a fashion product and I am not a fashion blogger. It was a hair product and I know even less about styling hair and using clips.

All valid reasons. {{insert “excuses”}}, because the real reason when the Lord kept prodding was pride. I didn’t want to appear foolish because I don’t know fashion or how to style hair.

But the soft, gentle voice reminded me, “But you can encourage.”

“If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging.” (Romans 12:8, NLT)

And somehow, I am thinking this is a gift we all can possess and exercise.

So I hit “reply” and said “Yes, I can do this.”

I had the joy, YES JOY, to receive these clips. One afternoon last week, we played with each of my granddaughters heads of hair so we could display the clips.

These are the best clips. Seriously. They are easy to use and are beautiful. They are crafted excellently, with quality,ƂĀ  and will last a long time. My granddaughters – aged 9 and 5, loved the clips, saying, “They are the most beautiful clips ever!”.

The bobby pins are also beautiful and easy to use.

I am happy to say, my online blogging friend is sharing the JOY. She has given me a $25.00 gift certificate to offer to one of you, my readers. I am telling you, you will want one of these clips.

So I am going to make this easy …

Visit my friend, Shelly Hendricks, on her Lilla Rose site by clicking >ƂĀ  HERE . Then come back and leave a comment and you will be entered into the giveaway. Easy, right? And if you should feel inclined, treat yourself or a friend or a child to a clip. I’ll announce the winner on Saturday morning so be sure to come back and see if it’s you!

More than the clip, you will be giving the gift of encouragement.

“So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:11, NLT).

Fellowship & Friendship.
Community & Connection.
Friends encourage us.


*Using, the winner was selected and I will email that person. Thank you to each who entered! .

Today I am joining … Porch Stories and Tell His Story andƂĀ Coffee For Your Heart and Woman to Woman .