Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Simplify.
I have seen the word often since the start of the new year. Simplify – to make life easier, less complicated, plainer, and with less stuff or clutter.
Some have made simplifying into a project, making the word almost seem like an oxymoron, for in attempting to make life easier they have made it more difficult.
As I sat thinking on the word earlier, the question came to me – “How would Jesus tell me to simplify my life?”
I will admit the answer did not come quickly. Somewhere between having a cup of coffee or two, maybe three, and making my bed, the answer gently came:
“Jesus replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the commands of the prophets as based on these two commandments.” (Matthew 22:37-40, NLT)
Jesus simplified the commandments bringing it down to these two for us.
Love God, first and foremost.
Secondly, love others well.
Love of God will set our heart attitude towards others correctly. A profound sense of love and gratitude towards God and all that He has done for us , will develop a heart of compassion towards those around us.
Jesus made it very simple for us:
Love God deeply and you will love others deeply as well.
Let’s live a simplified life.
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Faith Filled Friday and Faith ‘N Friends .
Well, we are definitely on the same thought path on this one! 🙂 Good to be in your company Joanne
I so enjoyed your post, Debby!
That is simple and complicated at the same time! But if we practice love, we’ll see a lot of things simplify in our lives, I guess. Happy Friday to you!
You are right, Katha. It is both at the same time. Yet I am finding as I focus more on what God would have me to do, this simplified focus is also bringing me great joy. This was wonderful to think about today. Have a great Friday!
Well done. It’s going to be interesting to read posts today. I wonder if age will see this simplify thing differently? Jumping over to read Debby’s now!
Not sure how much age comes into play. I think we all have over-complicated and over-filled our schedules and long for simpler days once again. It will be interesting to read the posts for sure.
I’m definitely on a similar path — I want LESS of so many things in 2018.
Michele, your “simple” comment (and no, the pun was not intended), made me realize that as we want less of things in 2018, we will get more of what God has for us. Should motivate us all this year!
PS – And “motivate” was our word last week I think, LOL.
A perfect verse and beautiful words to describe the heart of simplify.
All we need. Good and true words here, ones we can live by. Thank you for the reminder!
God’s love wins!
Wow! “Simply†powerful!! What a great reminder!
Much appreciated!
“what would Jesus tell me to do…”
What a great thought!
Yes, the verses you share sum it up! Oh how we tend to over complicate things, don’t we?
I know I sure can! I am so grateful for these one word prompts which make me think more simply.
I am beginning to work on purging and cleaning and organizing and it will be a year long process but so worth it when I am done.
It is amazing how easily it accumulates and how long it takes to purge. May you stick to it as you recognize it is worth it.
Love this. It really is that simple.