Each Friday my writing stems from a word prompt. Five minutes, one word prompt. The prompt this week is … Near.
Reading the word prompt before heading to bed last night, I thought I would pass this week. Then I read Psalm 15 early this morning.
The psalmist asks:
“Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord?
Who may enter your presence on the holy hill?”
The bottom line is apart from the Lord, none of us would be able to be in His Presence. Only in the light of His holiness will I be able to see my own shortcomings and weaknesses.
My commentary states: “The key to living a holy life is to live a Scripture-saturated life.” Only as God’s Word dwells within me will the power of sin be diminished and broken.
Today is December 1st and the countdown to Christmas. I don’t need to worry about how to find Christ because God has mercifully brought Him to this earth and to me. To find Christ, I must simply believe The Word which is near:
The word that saves is right here,
as near as the tongue in your mouth,
as close as the heart in your chest.
(Romans 10:8, MSG)
“Such people will stand firm forever” (Psalm 15:5b)
Today I am joining … Five Minute Friday and Faith On Fire and Faith Filled Friday and Faith ‘N Friends and Fresh Market Friday .
Makes me think how Dallas Willard would say that if we had to choose between memorizing Scripture and having a regular quiet time, he’d chose the former. (Not that we have to choose!) But we can keep Scripture near by hiding it in our hearts…
Thanks! FMF #23
Yes I have read that thought by Dallas Willard as well. It shows the high value and benefits of memorizing Scripture. Thank you for visiting here today!
Lovely post. What a good word “near” is. We use it often without giving it much thought. Now is the time that we will be that little touch of Jesus, bringing Him near to someone who needs Him, just as we did.