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Christmas is a time full of traditions. We enjoy our favorite dishes, desserts, music, and movies. Family decorations come down from the attic, warming our hearts as we think of years passed.

We need our hearts to be stirred till they are fully alive as they wait for Christmas morn. And when December 1st rolled around, I reached for my favorite Advent devotional – Come, Lord Jesus by Kris Camealy. This one may become my traditional Advent devotional!

Advent. The time of waiting, waiting for the arrival of our Lord. It is in the wait, we must remember three things:

  1. Remember Who is leading. “Please listen, O Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph’s descendants like a flock” (Psalm 80:1, NLT).
  2. Remember where He is enthroned. “O God, enthrone above the cherubim, display your radiant glory” (Psalm 80:1).
  3. Remember what He has done. “You brought us from Egypt”; “You cleared the ground for us” (verses 8-9).

In the wait, we remember. In the wait, He does more. Out of the depth of His love for us, He softly and gently reminds of He is coming.

“When tuned to you, the overflow of our hearts mirrors tiny fragments of your glory reflected in the world around us. Your fingerprints are undeniably everywhere.” (Kris Camealy, page 30)

In the wait, He does even more …

“Turn us again to yourself, O God of Heaven’s Armies. Make your face shine down upon us. Only then will we be saved.” (verse 7)

In the wait, He turns our wandering hearts back to Him.

Our hearts constantly need help to turn towards Him so that we remember Who is leading, where He is enthroned, and what He has done.

So grateful He turns me each and every day!


Today I am joining … #ChasingCommunity and Heart Encouragement Thursday and Tune In Thursday .