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Yesterday was the day I finally tore off the top page of my desk blotter which also serves as my calendar. And it still read “August”. I kid you not.

It is hard to believe it is now November and three months have slipped by. It is a new season as summer gave way to fall. We also turned the clocks back, perhaps gaining an hour of sleep in exchange for less daylight.

The combination of it all turns my thoughts to the coming holidays and family. The word “legacy” gently slips into my thoughts and reach for the book from off my shelf.

“… there’s one thing we can know for certain: yielded, obedient surrender will keep us right where God wants us. It will enable us to see our lives and futures the way God sees them, approaching each day with His contented, confident, comforting sense of perspective. Choosing to yield in obedience to His wise direction and calling is how a lot of our unfinished business becomes constructed into a legacy of faith. More each day. Each time we trust and obey.”

(from Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer, page 209)

Each day we choose to trust and obey Him, we are constructing a legacy. Legacy is the gift we hand down from one generation to another. We build the legacy from day to day for it to be left behind when we depart from this earth.

“Understand, therefore, that the LORD your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands.” (Deuteronomy 7:9 NLT).

Our lives will have supernatural effects lasting not only in this life but in the life to come.

I won’t be on this earth to witness a thousand generations. I am, however, the third generation in our family to walk with God. I have surely reaped the benefits of the prayers, wisdom, and stories of the first two generations. And my life will impact these, my peeps …

Are you the very first in your family to follow Christ?

Are you, like me, the third?

Are you the 10th in line?

No matter which spot you fill, as you love and obey Him, you are passing the blessing and the privilege, the legacy onto the next generation.

One day we will each stand before God. We will see Him in all of His glory and majesty. In the midst of all the tongues, tribes, and nations, right alongside of me, will be my thousand generations.

I may never live to see them all here. But one day, I will meet each and every one. And then, there will only be one thought going through my head –

“It was so worth it!
The price of trust and obedience was so worth it!!!”


Today I am joining … #ChasingCommunity and Heart Encouragement Thursday and Tune In Thursday and Salt & Light  .