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Dr. Seuss had a birthday last week – March 2nd – and would have turned 113 this year!

I have loved his books since I was a little girl. The memory of being handed a stack of his books will always be one I hold dear. We lived in an apartment building in the Bronx, on the second floor. A neighbor from upstairs passed them onto me when her own son, Mark, had outgrown them.

I have read them countless times, not only to myself as a child, but then to my children, daycare children, and now my granddaughters.

But it was only last week that I was able to read one of his books to Jocelyn, who up to this point only wanted to read her favorites, none of which were Dr. Seuss.

It was with delight that I read “Green Eggs and Ham” to Jocelyn. She enjoyed the rhymes, the story, the picture and by the end of the book was wanting to be able to say all the words. She loved the point of surrender when he said, “I do so like green eggs and Ham! Thank you! Thank you, Sam-I-am!”

“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh the joys of those who take refuge in him!”
(Psalm 34:8, NLT)

Seems to me that much like Sam-I-Am’s friend, we are also being encouraged to perhaps “taste” something we might otherwise pass up. David is telling us to that as we take notice of the Lord, His goodness will benefit us greatly. We will be “blessed” or happy as we do so.

Sam-I-Am’s friend, who remains nameless in the book, makes several discoveries when he finally surrenders and tastes the green eggs and ham. He discovers:

  • He likes what he thought he disliked.
  • He would partake of them ANY WHERE.
  • He would eat them with others.

Soul satisfaction comes as we take refuge in God.  As our lives become anchored and secured upon God, we discover happiness and delight in life. Sometimes in the places, and with the very thing, we thought we would so dislike.

The greater discovery made by Sam-I-Am’s friend was that his own insistence and constant refusal had made him miss out on what was, in fact, good and best for him.

May we not miss out on the goodness of the Lord.
Taste and see,
He is All and More.


* This is an edited version of an earlier post.
Today I am joining … Three Word Wednesday and Tell His Story and Coffee For Your Heart and Woman to Woman and Booknificent Thursday .