The cards have been tucked in my Bible since the beginning so it’s been a few years now. They introduced me to the very first group of Mamas at the start of the ministry. A photo and a short bio were also included to fill in the back story to all six and the names of their children.
Several times a week, I would pull them out to read them thinking I would only do this until I was familiar with each one. The weeks, and years, have passed and I am unable to stop looking at the now familiar faces and praying for them.
They have grown on me and hold a special place in my heart. The cards are worn and splattered with coffee from early morning prayer times. My mug has probably splashed equally as much coffee as my tears on the cards, for over the years the mamas have faced hard and difficult challenges.
The group consisted of the:
- single mother abandoned by her husband.
- one orphaned as a child herself and homeless.
- young widow left with three children.
- one sleeping in a temporary structure which functioned as a church.
- mother with a set of twins.
- another young widow with two children and totally hopeless.
We live worlds apart, on different continents separated by an expanse of water. Yet God works in His own way, albeit mysterious way, to join our hearts and hands by His love.
As the ministry developed, we were able to enroll their children in school and help them to find housing and food. They were able to receive training as hairdressers, tailoring, and farming so they could eventually become self-sufficient, providing for their families.
The ministry has continued to grow and expand as our arms opened up to more mamas, daughters, and children. In place of six photo cards, we have a photo album filled with more faces, some older and some newer. They are now the faces and lives which I remember in prayer regularly.
God brings them to us and God, in His love and mercy also lets us know when it is time to release them, equipped and able to thrive.
And in this process, He is teaching us about His heart for His people.Â
“Father to the fatherless, defender of widows – that is God, whose dwelling place is holy. God places the lonely in families, he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy.” (Psalm 68:5-6, NLT)
God works in His own way joins hearts and hands by His love.Â
Giveaway: During the month of November, I will be doing a giveaway here each week of one item from The Mama Shop. This week I will be giving this stunning woven basket to one of you. Just visit the shop and then let me know you did in the comments. This giveaway will remain open until Tuesday midnight. I will contact the winner Wednesday, just in time for the next giveaway on Thursday. Should you find an item you want to purchase, here is a coupon offering a 30% discount + all shipping is free.
**Thank you to all who participated in this giveaway. The winner was selected by my using and contacted by email.
Today I am joining … Thought Provoking Thursday and Grace Moments and Heart Encouragement Thursday and Hearts For Home .
Thank you for reminding us not only of God’s heart for His people; but that we too should share that same heart!
As we grow in our love for God, He deposits His love for His people into our hearts. I am so grateful for the way He works in His people knitting them together. Thank you for stopping here!
Isn’t it wonderful to have pictures to embed people into our hearts? I look daily at the little faces and names of my daughter’s kindergarten class. When I go to her room and can call them by name (some of them; I’m still not good at it!), they’re often surprised: “How did you know my name?†They don’t know that I look at them and pray for them all the time. You’re an inspiration, Joanne, for me to continue doing that. Thanks for sharing this.
Lisa, thank you for sharing how you do the same because you have inspired me to continue to do so. We all so want to be known by our name for somehow, it makes us feel noticed and valued. May you keep on calling each child by name as I think they will always remember how they felt. Blessings!
What a wonderful ministry and great way to help across the world.
It has truly been such a privilege and joy to serve with The Lulu Tree. Thank you for stopping here this week. Blessings!
What a beautiful reminder to share our hearts, gifts, talents and possessions with others. My heart melted as I imagined the prayers prompted by those photos. Thank you for the inspiration, Joanne.
By the way, I loved the variety of items in the store. The jewelry section has some great pieces for holiday parties. 🙂
Marva, thank you so much for taking the time to browse the shop. The items are truly beautifully crafted. Blessings!
What a blessing to read you’ve faithfully prayed for these women 🙂 I know God has used your prayers in a mighty way because he answers prayers, especially those we pray to help another person. Thank you for your faithful example 🙂
Dolly, I so appreciated your sharing that God answers those prayers we pray to help others. He truly loves when we are other-minded and bring the needs of others boldly before His throne. Thank you for sharing with me,
I love the way you are sharing love through your compassionate hard for the LuLu Mamas, Joanne. :0) Bless you for reminding us to continue to pray and support them and those who serve them.
Thanks for sharing this with the #GraceMoments Link Up Community.