I really had no intentions of ever saying anything political but …
The events of the last week have been so discouraging. No matter which party you align yourself with, behavior has been lacking in character.
I went to bed Sunday night feeling beat up and hopeless. Don’t get me wrong, I have done things in my life for which I am not proud. But I am deeply concerned for the future, and the legacy, which is going to be left to our future generations.
I have found myself asking if my generation has dropped the ball somehow, somewhere and we forgot to go back to retrieve it. As I tossed and turned after going to bed on Sunday, I found myself filled with more questions than answers. Truth be known, I wrestled with my questions much of Monday ….
- Who is going to bring hope to me and those around me?
- Who is going to help us face the coming days with strength and courage?
- Who will be the role models for my grandchildren and future generations to look to?
With my first cup of coffee in my hand, I opened and read:
“In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.” (Romans 12:6-8, NLT)
What does all this have to do with the debate?
We all have a responsibility to those around us. We are it. It’s on us. We have a role in this world and have been given a gift.
We each already have the gift. Steward it well. Let’s get down on our knees and ask the Lord to help us grow in it, develop it, and use it wisely. Our gifts are instruments of hope to a world that desperately needs Jesus. May we each use our gifts and our voices, in the strength and power of our Lord. Let’s lift one another up, encouraging one another to grow. Let us fill the places we have been called with the love of Jesus. We have a responsibility in our places, with our friends and family, and those we have been called to serve.
May we not sit idle but offer our imperfect lives to our perfect God who has called us to this journey together so that many will come to know the love of Jesus and His power to save.
It is imperative that we teach God’s Word to our children and grandchildren. They need to see us standing on the promises of God so that they will follow in our footsteps.
I have no idea what the outcome of this election will be. What I do know is this – as I scroll through my facebook and see the little faces of the children represented there, my heart breaks. My desire is for them to see us refusing to doubt our gifts but instead, using them to empower one another in the days ahead.
And may we each cross the finish line knowing we served God with all our might
and to the glory and honor of His matchless Name.
Today I am joining … Three Word Wednesday and Coffee For Your Heart and Tell His Story .
I’m so grateful God is forever on the throne because we all need that hope right now. Love your words today, friend. xoxo
Yes, Kristin, He is our hope. And may we remember – He never vacates His throne!
Oh this, what I needed and yes our only true hope is in JESUS!
Thank you, Jennie. I almost did not share this post.
I just watched Mike Pence speak at Liberty University’s convocation this morning. He is such a gentleman and very presidential. I like him – he is solid. I wish he was running for president! But he’s not yet he is the VP nominee for DT.
Like you, the weekend ‘stuff’ had me anxious and (almost) undone but then I remember God Already Knew About This. I have no idea what the outcome will be but I do know the world won’t end on the morning of November 9th. God will still be on the throne and I will still be His. I will keep on doing what I’m doing today. Speaking Truth and writing about His Word. And, trusting Him. I still stand on the ground of Life / Liberty (2nd Amendment) / Constitution (Supreme Court Appointees) – those three things dictate my vote. I cannot vote for someone who condones the murder of a late term baby – I COULD NEVER VOTE FOR SOMEONE who supports such a murderous, inhumane act. NEVER.
Susan, may we continue to hold to the truth of God’s Word and put our hope in Him. And may we continue to pray faithfully in the days ahead.
Oh, you’re so right about us having the responsibility to pass on the good news to our children and grandchildren. I think I’ll be spending a lot of time praying for our country in the upcoming month, too!
Anita, may we each be faithful to pray in the days ahead. We have a responsibility to both pray and vote. Not one without the other 🙂 Blessings!
I’ve been feeling the same struggle, mourning that my grandchildren have to grow up in this chaos with God’s ways being mocked and trampled on. God help us!
Elizabeth, may we be on our knees for their sake. And may He continue to mold us into lives that display Him so they will follow Him all of their days!
What a beautiful reminder to use our God given gifts and play our part in building a future for our country! I am glad you are using your gifts to encourage ! We are Gods hands and feet one step at a time!
Thank you and be sure to use yours as well. Each is needed! xo
It’s such a comfort to know that none of this is a surprise to God. No scandal, no breaking news, no debate bomb can rock Him. Throughout history we (the world) has seen good leadership and poor leadership, and God is still God because it’s all HIS-Story.
As I read your comment, all that came to mind were the words – “God in the midst of them” – Matthew 18:20. May we remember that as we pray, He is with us, in our midst. Blessings!
Joanne, what an amazing piece you have written. You clearly have a heart for this. This is exactly how I feel right now. thank you so much for sharing this. I am going to share this too. your neighbor at coffee for your heart
Thank you, Kristina. My deep love for my granddaughters has moved me to pray for the future like nothing else ever has.