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The news is discouraging. Even more so, I am saddened by the words I read on social media.

We all have an opinion and we seem to think our opinion is the right one, therefore, everyone should agree with us. It can get overwhelming at times to realize the level of discord all around us.

As I have pondered the coming days and the change of leadership in our country, I wondered where the answers truly lie.

In looking into the Old Testament, there were righteous kings and then, there were kings who did evil in the eyes of the Lord. God’s people did not always have the best kings ruling over them. And yet, they survived and God worked in and through His people. He remained faithful to those who were His.

There have now been three presidential debates. Each candidate has voiced their stance on a myriad of subjects, including each other. The press, news, talk radio, and social media have lit up and ranted from every viewpoint possible.

As I sat down to watch the last debate last night, the question was heavy on my heart – Where do I cast my vote? How do I cast it with a clear and sound mind, a decision made in wisdom?

I opened my Bible this morning to read these words:

“God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at the break of day.”
(Psalm 46:5, NIV)

The news and headlines would stream all day long if we turn it on. But will we find the wisdom needed to make the decision wisely there? I am not entirely sure.

The one thing I am sure of is this – God is within me. He will reside in me, and reign in my life, no matter who wins this election. I may – or may not be – happy with the outcome of the election but I will not fall because He will help me.

So this morning, I am doing three things:

  1. Praying. Each day I am going to pray for this election. I will be asking God for wisdom and for Him to show me where to cast my vote.
  2. Trusting God. God will be sovereign over the outcome. There will never be a day in which He vacates His throne. He rules over all events in this world. With God, there is no “breaking news”.
  3. Maintaining my right to a secret ballot. I will hold my decision close. I do not want to feed into any division, hurt, or bitterness. May we be agents of reconciliation and unity to those around us.

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone.” (James 1:5, NLT)




Today I am joining … Thought Provoking Thursday and Grace Moments and Heart Encouragement Thursday .