There is surely no task as difficult, as frustrating, and as challenging as that of being a mom. There is also not task which will bring more joyous, as filled with love, and rewarding.
In the midst of temper tantrums and laundry piles, every mom needs to know her struggle is not unique to her. We need to be reminded we can experience the mighty resurrection power in our lives (Philippians 3:10) in the normal days and in the messiest as well.
When we are depleted, may we hear His gentle whisper: “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NLT)
In their book, The Mother Letters, Amber and Seth Haines have compiled letters from a host of mothers. Some names you will recognize and others will soon become a new source of encouragement. Seth began to collect letters from mothers as he realized that child-rearing was overwhelming his own wife.
Each letter is a one word title, making it easy to find a letter to address the emotion at hand. You will find words advising:
“Have grace with yourself.”
- “You are your children’s perfect mother.”
- “I want you to know that it’s okay to admit this is hard.”
- “Trust God to redeem the difficult parts.”
- “Motherhood isn’t identical for every woman.”
- “Our children are here to be our teachers, as are we to them, so I’m listening and learning.”
- “The days are long but the years are not.”
As I read, I began to think of my own daughter, now a mom of two little ones. What would I say to her in a letter today?
To my daughter now a mother,
My motherhood days look so differently from yours. I truly marvel at how you manage to do it all. And then I ask myself, “How did I manage to do it all?”
And He whispers the answer deeply in my heart, “It’s all by His grace.”
It truly is all His grace. It is during these days of hard and challenging mothering that we discover the many ways in which His grace is at work in our lives.
Your experience as a mother was meant to look different than mine. Even though we share the same genes, you are unique – a one of a kind woman, formed by His hands and growing into purposes crafted by Him. Each of your daughters are also each so similar and yet, so vastly different. And don’t we truly rejoice in this, for who would want to miss the joy of either girl!
I can guarantee you will make mistakes with them. I know this to be true because I made mistakes with both you and your brother. But see, that is where His grace comes in for even then, His grace was present. His grace covered my mistakes until you both turned into adults pursuing Him.
His grace is amazing. Yes, it covers our mistakes. Gives us strength beyond ourselves. Softens our hearts. Makes us tough when we need. His grace is sufficient for each day as His grace grows in us.
Rest in that. Bask in His grace. And know that you are the perfect mother for those two little girls. That is why our God entrusted them to you!
The book makes a beautiful gift {{**Hint, Hint – Mother’s Day, May 8th}} with its photos and short thoughts sure to spur any mom in the midst of her motherhood journey. We truly are not alone in this journey but are in it all together.
*** I received a copy of this book from Revell for review purposes. The opinions expressed in this review are my own. This post contains an affiliate link.
Today I am joining … Three Word Wednesday and Tell His Story and Coffee For Your Heart and Literacy Musing Mondays .
This book looks amazing!!! Thanks for your review. 🙂
Sarah (
It is a wonderful book – sweet and encouraging!
Sounds wonderful. My mothering looks so differently than my own mother’s. My daughter’s is so different from mine…but all of it is in symphony to God’s perfect plan. So glad I read this today. #6 neighbor at Kristin’s.
It’s so true, Susan. There is no “one size fits all” with motherhood. Each journey is as unique as each of us. So grateful for God’s grace!
This sounds like an excellent book, Joanne! I love the letter you wrote to your daughter and your reference to grace in mothering. Truly, each of us must fall into the arms of parental grace. Happy to be your neighbor at #Tell His Story.
It really was a sweet and encouraging book. And Pam, I love how you worded it – parental grace. I am grateful for His vast supply of that in my own life!
Great review and a beautiful letter to your daughter! Motherhood may be different for our daughters than is was for us, but some things don’t change. A mother gets tired, frustrated, feels inadequate, but Christ is always there to give us the grace we need. Like you said, “Motherhood –It’s all by his grace.” Blessings to you! I’m visiting from the #LMMLinkup.
Gayl, you are right – while many things change, some things remain the same. So glad you pointed that out. May we remember to extend grace to those young moms who are in the throes of the tired and frustrated days. Have a blessed Sunday!
I’m glad you shared about this book at #ThreeWordWednesday. I really loved it. I’m actually writing about it today on my blog, but I always like seeing what other people have to say about the same books I’m reading.